• Learning,  Philosophy,  Praxis

    Creating Value

    Creating content is one thing, creating value, on the other hand, is a whole other level. If you’re ever on YouTube or really any social media site, you’ll see “creators”, or “influencers” all over and the content they’ve created.  Sometimes that “content” isn’t actually very valuable, and I try my hardest not to watch those videos, or look into those posts, because if they’re not valuable, suspicion has it they’ll be a waste of my time.  I have been developing a lot of projects for Praxis opportunities lately. I’ve learned a lot about not just doing work for rubrics, but instead doing work that is actually helpful to a given business. …

  • FYI,  Lifestyle


    Out of curiosity, I was looking at some minimalism videos on YouTube yesterday. The concept intrigues me but its far from perfect. But I noticed that one of the videos featured the two gentlemen behind “The Minimalists” podcast, and they were talking about minimalism being more than a word and that there’s no right way or wrong way necessarily to go about it, then they noted the word “intentionalism”. I really like this.  I cleaned out my closet again yesterday, I had held on to a number of items that I realized no longer had any chance of fitting, being helpful, useful, or having potential. From old purses, to shirts…

  • Learning

    Learning Takes Time

    Sometimes I forget that certain lessons have taken me awhile to learn and that sometimes others still have yet to learn a lesson.  I have learned a lot in my life, but I don’t have all the answers. Often I forget about how God not only has his perfect timing for me, my learning, but others as well. It sounds almost obvious, but I’m trying to remind myself that others often will learn things in time and that often even when I was told something for the first time it was sometimes hard to grasp.  That is to say that I need to give others grace for their mistakes and…

  • FYI

    Invisible Memories

    I love being off my phone in certain moments, but I’m trying to find a balance with it because that’s where my camera is nowadays. Plus if I’m going to avoid overdoing it on souvenirs wherever I go I’m going to want pictures to go with my memories. Sometimes I have to live with invisible memories though.  Memories are important to me, its a part of every friendship and family relationship I can think of, and it makes me sad when I don’t have any physical item, photo or writing on it so I’m trying to capitalize more on the last two. This means taking a split second longer at family gatherings…

  • Uncategorized

    A Direct Sell

    We’ve all heard of direct sales companies, whether its that gal from college who sells $25 lipsticks, or your friend’s mom who sells sells “fancy” makeup, or your neighbor who always has a “31” box on her doorstep or even your coworker who always invites you to online parties for her cooking tools business the list goes on. Unfortunately, these are mostly women’s brands so maybe I hear about them more than my male counterparts. These brands are so distinct that they’re almost doing their marketing perfectly, but at the same time their connotation must hurt them, They’re known for being a bit of a bother because you can’t shop the…

  • Christianity,  Learning

    Make the Best of It

    I want to move and everyone around me knows it. This is mostly due to the fact that I tend to bring it up when people as what I’m up to. I’ve been making projects to get placed and I know that God has something great in store and that my advisors are vouching for me as well. But, as long as I’m still in New Brighton, Minnesota I’m going to #makethebestofit So I know people usually talk about making the most of a bad situation, but I think there’s value in seeing what you can glean from the good ones too. From acknowledging them in the first place to…

  • Fun

    Phrase of the Moment

    Over the last couple years I’ve noticed that I tend to pick up unique phrases, wear them out for a while and move on. By doing this I often have a built in conversation starter, and I build my vocabulary a little bit as well, not to mention other’s.  Sometimes these phrases are from times gone by, I remember I had a week or two when I said groovy a lot. That or I’ve found a phrase that just tends to not come up in everyday speech as much, like intriguing. Another phrase was a Minnesota-ism, heck-uva-deal* that was one I just had fun with. Huzzah was a recent one…

  • Swing Dance,  Uncategorized

    How to Try (Swing) Dancing

    I tell all my friends, and really anyone who will listen to try dancing, specifically swing dancing. Though I realize I’ve only verbally given those people ideas, so here’s the post that will show you the basics. If you attend a university first see if your school has a club, its a great way to meet people. Plus most clubs find social dances to attend as a group anyway.  If You’re Somewhere Else Facebook is a surprisingly great first place to check for dances, just look at events and type in swing dance (or some variation thereof) and look up the places that pop up online. If you want to…

  • Learning

    Coded Thoughts

    I actually first tried my hand at coding in 8th grade. I was invited, along with 20 other girls, including one of my best friends, from my school to go to a tech business for a “Geek Girls” or girls in science event. We got to spend the day doing different tech activities, meeting those who worked at the business, and having lunch at the business, pretty cool for a middle schooler.  One of the things I distinctly remember was building the most basic of codes for the most basic of apps. My friend and I programmed a cartoon cat to “meow” when clicked through the apps interface. For a girl who’s…

  • Uncategorized

    The Christian and The Doctor (Who)

    Yesterday I wrote about how as a Christian this world is only my home for a little while. Oddly enough the idea of this world not being my home makes me think of one of my favorite shows: Doctor Who. The main character, the doctor, is an alien who really only travels to Earth to help and make friends knowing she doesn’t plan to stay. I think this might be one of the reasons why I like the show so much, and why I am so inspired by the doctor. It isn’t a Christian show by any means, and its far from a perfect example of the point, but I think…