Learning,  Work

Adobe Photo Suite 101

As I apply for jobs I’m trying to learn more skills that will be helpful. One of those included trying adobe software. So today I’m going to explain how I’ve used the photo editing apps.


It’s like the Instagram app, but with far more options. I then realized presets were an important element and found some on the internet. Although they may be important and helpful for learning they aren’t an all in one solution.

Playing with the features is a key to starting out on this one, seeing what you like and how you can achieve the desired styling.

Here are images I changed the lighting on. I also removed background noise from them.


What did I learn? Well taking a photo in as natural light as possible helps immensely. If you can’t get that, even lighting is your next best option. Cleaning up your backgrounds both on location and in editing can make or break an image to some extent.

Editing isn’t bad if you can help bring out the best in an image, and if you do your best to not over do it.

Also, whitening, shadows, and contrast are some of my favorite tools within Lightroom.


I’ve barely scratched the service of this app, but I already see the value of it. Although I don’t have very helpful examples right now. I do know I like the band-aid tool, and the drawing tool and the ability to combine various elements into one image/file. The layering tool is also huge, as is the ability to have empty backgrounds.


Photography as an art form, is almost just as much about the editing as it is about clicking the shutter button.