• Uncategorized

    Battle of the Burrito (Bowls)

    I’ve loved Chipotle since sometime in high school, in college, I was introduced to Qdoba, and about 2 weeks ago my sister and I went to Panchero’s for the first time, here’s my analysis. Chipotle, a crowd favorite, with tons of locations, and a menu you probably know by heart. I love how cheap it is, especially since I take their food to go so often. Qdoba the place to go for free extras and a great, distinct flavor. They have nicer restaurant’s than Chipotle. Panchero’s has an interesting niche. They stir the ingredients together before they hand you a finished product, plus they do have fresh tortillas but I…

  • Philosophy

    Here’s To You

    The dreamer. The optimist. The believer. Don’t stop thinking that way. Here’s to you. The one who is comfortable in their own skin, but doesn’t always know what that even looks like. Keep learning about yourself, your likes, your dislikes, your personality. Here’s to you. The one questioning where they’re supposed to be but still going at life with their all. Here’s to you. The one who is stuck in a predicament they don’t have control over. Keep doing what you can to make your circumstances work out. Make today, and ever day, great.