
  • Adventures,  Be Inspired,  Learning,  Lifestyle,  Philosophy,  Praxis,  Swing Dance

    It Was Objectively Interesting

    It’s been 4 weeks since my adventure at The Objective Standard Conference (TOS_Con) in Park City, Utah, but I just realized I hadn’t written a blog post about it yet. I t was such a great adventure, and although, smaller, longer, and different from FEE-Con it was also very valuable. I learned a lot. I also had a ton of fun, that said FEECon was a better conference, it helped that there were more young people there. TOS-Con had some amazing and unique sessions. Some were more interesting to me than others, and some I admittedly didn’t enjoy but there were others I was ecstatic about. I used to hate…

  • Fun,  Praxis

    A Praxis Mascot?

    At every educational institution I’ve been a part of there’s been a mascot, whether it’s been a knight, a hawk, or something else… with one excdeption, Praxis. Now whether it seems necessary or not I want to propose a Praxis mascot. Introducing Plato the Praxis Poodle. Why a poodle you ask? Just look at how the American Kennel Club describes these dogs: “Forget those old stereotypes of Poodles as sissy dogs. Poodles are eager, athletic, and wickedly smart “real dogs” of remarkable versatility. The Standard, with his greater size and strength, is the best all-around athlete of the family, but all Poodles can be trained with great success.” Sounds kind…

  • Learning,  Praxis

    The World is Moving Faster Than Ever Before

    I like moving fast, and talking fast, and thinking fast, I have a lot energy and it fits my personality. Patience is hard for me but as I’m still here in Minnesota patiently anticipating which job God will put me in. Praxis has been ahead of the education curve, helping kids avoid debts, and degrees they don’t really need. The world is all of a sudden turning away from degrees, and I’ve witnessed it, and been a part of it, I’m excited to see where education will move next. My family jokes about going to the “University of YouTube” to learn something, plus there are tons of sites with paid…

  • Creativity,  Praxis

    CV You Later

    While at university I learned a ton about resumes, even after university I would go back to the career center for help…with my resume, a basic piece of paper that mentioned great things, but wasn’t as thought-provoking as I wanted it to be. Because of Praxis, I’ve learned so much about how to pitch my skills to employers and provide true value, beyond just my credentials alone. I’ve learned how to be a better employee once I get a role, how to maximize what I can accomplish and what not. So how do we do it in Praxis? Well, first off, click here if you want to apply. Anyway I’ll…

  • Praxis

    Income Upping the Ante

    If you make a lot you’ll spend accordingly. That’s an observation made on the Praxis podcast “Forward Tilt”. It means that you’ll up your standard of living according to what you currently make, even if it isn’t sustainable. Its hard for me to see so many other people my age going on various trips, out to eat all the time, or buying designer items. That being said, I remind myself that what they’re used to at 23 or so will predictably only grow over time, and become more expensive habits. That and I don’t need the latest handbag, I’ve already been to another continent, and homecooking is usually better for you…

  • Lifestyle,  Praxis,  Talent

    Do Hard Things

    Last night’s Praxis Wednesday was more interview preparation, and we collaborate with other Praxians about questions we might be met with; we developed and stories and ideas together. As I’ve touched on before, Praxians are the kind of people who take on a challenge and do hard things. We do what no one expects, go above and beyond, and keep pushing ourselves.  The challenge we had on the call was to think up hard interview questions to ask each other, so we could be better prepared for if similar questions are asked on a real interview. It was good to think through stories and experiences and hard things we had…

  • Learning,  Philosophy,  Praxis

    Creating Value

    Creating content is one thing, creating value, on the other hand, is a whole other level. If you’re ever on YouTube or really any social media site, you’ll see “creators”, or “influencers” all over and the content they’ve created.  Sometimes that “content” isn’t actually very valuable, and I try my hardest not to watch those videos, or look into those posts, because if they’re not valuable, suspicion has it they’ll be a waste of my time.  I have been developing a lot of projects for Praxis opportunities lately. I’ve learned a lot about not just doing work for rubrics, but instead doing work that is actually helpful to a given business. …

  • Praxis,  Work

    The Difference a Day Can Make

    During my time as a Praxis participant, I’ve gone through loads of new content, and countless new experiences. Especially as I think about moving away I believe I’ve been more deliberate than before in my actions, from choosing to try new things, to taking risks and reach out to people I might not have otherwise. I plan to take this habit with me when I move, Blogging daily has been another notable element of this. I’ve been thinking through unique concepts each day and writing about them. I’ve also been searching for an image each day to match the idea which has led me to look closer at photography. The…

  • Learning,  Praxis

    Have a Conversation – with the Hiring Manager

    Last night was Praxis Wednesday, and it was a interview seminar with Johnny Roccia. Johnny is a hiring manager who helps us Praxians learn about how best to interview.  He’s so down to earth while providing practical advice as well.  The main takeaway I had from last night’s conversation was to have a conversation with the interviewer. The more you can show personality and “vibe” with them the better off you are. After all, they want to hire someone, they just need to know if you’re that person or not.   You can add on to your conversation stand out questions, as well as  personal questions for the interviewer.  Something that…

  • Learning,  Philosophy,  Praxis

    Philosophy Module Week 4

    I just finished the last of the content for the philosophy module in Praxis. We had two blocks of content this week, a short video series called “Everything is a Remix”, and an essay series called “Software is Eating the World” I enjoyed the first more, but it helped that it was far more condensed and visual. I appreciated learning about what society can do with technology and learning from each other. I’ve put together my last analysis video and it is listed below. This week I was also challenged by my advisor to create an advice video for future Praxians and learners of philosophy in general (linked below as well).…