Be Inspired,  Fun,  Learning

Energy and Me

Anyone who knows me knows I have tons of energy its part of the inspiration for a lot of what I do, from swing dancing to travel, to youth group and other things. What I’ve realized lately is that not only is my energy about being physically active it’s about my thoughts and just how quick and busy my brain is.

This isn’t meant to be a humble brag, it’s about understanding that I sometimes get overwhelmed by what’s going on in my head and how much I can have going on at a given moment.

I love spending my energy, by trying new things, and thinking out loud and talking with friends, and family. I love excitement and learning.

I am ridiculously thankful for all my energy, it has helped me accomplish so much, it’s a great gift from God. The trouble is making sure it isn’t working against me. This is harder than you may think, it means sitting still when I have no desire to do so, or slowing down my speech when all I want to do is talk as fast as I can, like Lorelai Gilmore.

I would encourage anyone else with a lot of energy to write a lot, and find good outlets for your energy where you can enjoy using it and others can benefit from it. I plan to do even more writing in 2019 based on my energy.

How do you spend energy? Let me know on my contact page, or tweet me @katherineglader

Photo Courtesy of Katie Liz Photography