• Lifestyle

    Final Thoughts

    What a whirlwind year, from spending the first part of the year at a contract role to joining Praxis, and taking trips for weddings, going to camp, enjoying holidays with family, and spending time with friends, to even being a political delegate. The new year is just that but January 1st is also just another day. What I mean by that is that it doesn’t have to be a threshold for everything from certain choices, to decisions, to changing habits, though I’ll admit sometimes it is helpful. I try to see it as both, it’s a helpful mental guide but it’s also just a day on the calendar, to some respect.…

  • Philosophy

    Left Out

    Unless you’re ridiculously popular we’ve all been left out of something, whether intentionally or unintentionally. It’s hard. If you want to be a part of something and didn’t even get the chance to be. Social media makes this harder, I would argue. We are able to see every update that anyone we follow posts, whether it’s their lunch, homework, or a fabulous party, or a group of friends they had over for game night. I can’t imagine having social media any earlier in life. I would’ve been so frustrated with every other kid’s fun posts that I didn’t get to be a part of. Though honestly, it can be hard…

  • Philosophy

    Adopt Don’t Shop

    My family has had a cat, five hamsters, a fish, a dog, and now, drumroll please: two guinea pigs. We’ve enjoyed having pets, and although we bought the hamsters and fish at a pet store, we’re definitely of the adopt don’t shop mindset. Our cat, Tiger, was a stray we adopted. While having a family garage sale, he was meandering around the neighborhood. It was raining and we left a little makeshift bed out in the garage. We took him in and enjoyed having him as a pet, he definitely was fun to have around, and we enjoyed having him as part of our family. We had him until we…

  • Uncategorized

    While at the Plumbing Company

    My current temp job is working at a plumbing, heating, metals, and fire sprinklers company west of Minneapolis. Although it’s not my ideal workplace/industry it’s been quite fun getting to know my coworkers and getting a sneak peek into the industry. Its been nice to have a consistent temp job until I take on my apprenticeship. They have a beautiful showroom that guests are coming into everyday, as well. It’s interesting to see another aspect of an industry that I only know of from trips to Home Depot with my folks. It gets me even more excited to think about my future home, and the furnishings.

  • Creativity,  Uncategorized

    Unlikely Inspiration

    Sometimes we can convince ourselves that we need the perfect setting for inspiration to hit. Whether we think we need a perfect library with a nice sitting area, or an art museum with beautiful old paintings. Don’t get me wrong, these are great spots for inspiration but they’re far from the only spot to get inspired. Just the other day I was inspired by one of my coworkers at my temp job with something to write about, I’ve also been inspired by my students at youth group. Not to mention the inspiration I’ve received from friends at swing dances. It’s been more than the blog too. This last month I’ve…

  • Adventures,  Fun

    A Traveler’s Notes

    I just got back from Northern Minnesota yesterday. It’s the umpteenth trip I’ve taken there, but it reminded me of a couple of important things to remember while traveling. It’s one thing to visit it’s another to live. I’ve mentioned it before but I’ve lived in a tourist destination. That being said when you are looking for a place to live don’t make whether its a famous destination or not affect your decision too much. So at the end of your trip know that its okay to miss the place you’ve been, but that there is probably drawbacks to living at the place your visiting. Plan out more than you’ll…

  • Christianity

    Merry Xmas

    Sometimes this phrase is challenged as taking the Christ out of Christmas. In reality the “X” represents the first letter of the greek word for Christ. As long as you pronounce the Phrase as “Christmas” instead “ex-mas” I think writing out the shorter version is usually fine. I’ve found it’s not about the day even either, its about remembering Jesus’ birth. My family just made the five-hour trip back home today so we could see both sides of the family. It’s become almost tradition to take this unconventional route because, despite the odd timing of the drive, it means we see more people and celebrate more. We get more time…

  • Adventures,  Lifestyle

    That’s One Way to Get Cross Country

    I spent the last half of the 90s living in Grand Marais, and as I’ve mentioned before on this blog my family regularly returns. One of the things I’ve done regularly up north is cross country skiing, the cousins would pass down equipment, or we’d borrow equipment from my grandparents lodge. I’ve never been stellar at it, but between being with family, exercising and the beautiful location, it’s a real treat. My family usually stays as a group to encourage each other and we discover new trails together. I like that its a good challenge. #crosscountry

  • Uncategorized

    On the Road Again

    Road trips require a lot of patience. Something I’m not usually as good at. But family road trips in the past have led to some great experiences, so I think having that in mind helps. My family still enjoys heading to Grand Marais for holidays/various weekends. The trip is long but the trip provides many beautiful views, various experiences. Road trips mean you get a chance to slow down in life even though you’re probably speeding down the highway. See with road trips you can know what the wait will bring and that the wait is valuable. This is different from other times where you have to practice patience in…

  • FYI,  Philosophy

    Checking My List, Twice

    Some people are arguing for not buying as much at Christmas, saying there’s a lot of gifts that go without much use after the holiday. I get this but here’s my solution, go a little more practical with your requests so family will at least have an idea of what to buy if they insist, or encourage kids (of any age) to be thinking about what they may want for a little larger portion of the year. Lately I’ve been asking for home items, and add-ons/accessories for items I already own. Then there’s the giving side of things. I always ask my family what they want and if its specific,…