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What could you teach through stories?

I learned a lot at FEEcon this past weekend, and although I won’t be able to repeat all of it, here are some more thoughts.

Think about how real people consume information. Through stories, there may be some of us that are compelled by cold hard facts, but the general population likes the personalization that stories often bring, even if its in addition to facts.

Creating stories often makes for content that is more interesting to watch and/or engage with. It then often leads to more sharing of said content. Although this isn’t always the case, it’s often an asset.

Take digital providers, ie the Netflixs and Hulus, and even social baed pages of the world. They really want content, but they also want to share compelling content that people will watch and get roped into, it’s what keeps people using their service after all.

People crave stories, often, they, unfortunately, crave negative stories. That said, good stories are also just that, good. They can help us see the good in the world or where change has happened.

So what could you communicate through a story? Maybe you tell the story of how you found your way to a certain political standing. Perhaps you can tell a funny story to garner a laugh or two from friends. Maybe you can help someone through a difficult time but telling them how you went through a similar hardship while being ready to help them with there’s.

So work on your story telling whether you have to write it down first, whether its the next great novel, an idea for a song, or if you’re telling friends or even speaking at a conference. The world is full of stories, just make it a good one, eh? (The last sentence is loosely paraphrased from Doctor Who 🙂 )