• Work

    Digital Guerrillas

    Marketing is one of my passions, I’m fascinated by it, and I certainly haven’t learned everything yet. One thing that continues to fascinate me is guerrilla marketing. “Guerrilla Marketing is an advertising strategy that focuses on low-cost unconventional marketing tactics that yield maximum results.” (https://tinyurl.com/5r929m2) What I’ve learned more recently is that it can be more about making enough impact through the strategy so that it ends up on social media. There is an obviousness to it, but some companies, artists, and celebrities, have this under wraps. Take the case study of Kelsy Karter who faked a tattoo on her face of Harry Styles to get the publicity she wanted for her new…

  • Uncategorized

    Growing Up

    I recently remembered that I wrote a parable for an assignment back in elementary school. It was about a girl who wanted to grow up, and whose life couldn’t move fast enough for her at one point, and somehow I remember writing in that the character suddenly found herself growing up too fast. She suddenly realized that everything around her was going faster than she could experience or appreciate it. As adults we tell children to not grow up too fast, we also tell them to grow up and to learn, and to find their way in the world. Neither is wrong and although I’m not a parent, I see…