
Get Stuff Done

Ban yourself from Netflix, close the candy crush app, sign out of Facebook, and get stuff done.

Don’t put off getting your car work done, if you can afford it at all, get it done.

Don’t put off finishing that home improvement/cleaning project.

Write the email to your coworker. Get the design done. Brainstorm and write it down.

Get Stuff done.

Do I always do this? No. The thing is that I know that’s helpful. I have done it.

I was challenged by one of my advisors to read more. I read a whole novel in a week this past week, and though I’ve been short on work this week, it was really good for me. the first step was that last weekend I banned myself from YouTube and Netflix. I want to read more books next month. So my hope is to have a similar limit in the foreseeable limit, wish me luck.