
Live Within Your Means

That’s a challenge, especially with small means, but it’s certainly a form of self-control.

Living within your means, means understanding that your income is what you have to live on whether you like it or not. It means understanding that even when you want something, whether it be a dinner out, new furniture, a cool vacation, or a fancier car, if it isn’t in your budget, you can’t afford it.

If you only have one couch but you want two, but you haven’t paid for your housing yet this month, you can’t justify it. To some, this may be obvious but it’s sometimes hard to put into practice when friends are doing fun things, you want certain interior design, and/or you feel you need a break from it all.

Possible solutions:

Go cold turkey on a recurring challenge. If you always buy too many clothes cut yourself off for a whole month, or do what I tried, and do it for a whole year (with three exceptions).

Ask your friends if they can come to your home for a meal instead of going out. Whether it means cooking for a small group get together or having your friends over after dinner for game night.

Find cheap staycation opportunities in your area, from free museum nights to free outdoor music events, because you live in the area you can see new things at the cheapest time, and probably a less busy time as well.

If you do need new essentials such as cookware, or bedding, check deep clearances, and maybe second-hand stores (but be very careful there). When you’re cash strapped you may have to settle a bit even if it doesn’t perfectly match your aesthetic.

Living within your means, also means respecting those around you, I live with my parents currently, and because I live for so cheap, I check in with them about various purchases and choices and they know I’m trying to live as cheaply as possible.

Maybe you need to have a smaller apartment while you save up for a down payment, or maybe there are other solutions to your financial woes. I’d love to hear about your techniques or if any of these ideas worked for you. Let’s chat @katherineglader .