• Christianity,  Philosophy

    Being Mindful

    Sometimes in our lives we become convinced we have something right, sometimes we are right but other times we may not be. It comes down mostly to wisdom and having the courage it rely on facts over feelings and focus on the truth. Being mindful is about being a critical thinker, not just in school, not just when you’re working on a project for work, but also when you believe you’ve found the truth, keep looking for proof, it will keep you sharper in your convictions, that and you’ll be better at defending those convictions. Also, though, make sure to listen to others and ask questions, just be nice about…

  • Uncategorized

    Teaching Whether you Like it Or Not

    I’ve mentioned before that I didn’t want to teach at many points in my life, but now not only have I realized that I enjoy teaching, but more in non-traditional elements, like speaking opportunities, and one-on-one guidance. Now I need to add to this that everyone is a teacher whether they intend to be or whether they’re a good one or not. You see, there is always someone watching you, whether its the person behind you in line seeing if your polite the the cashier, and learning about how others engage, or its a sibling or cousin that sees you as a great example in their life, or sees you…