
A Faith for All Contexts

Inform your faith for all contexts. No matter where you’re working (or volunteering) right now.

We pray for missionaries and their work in other countries, but we remember to pray for our close Christ-following friend’s workplaces, this where they spend a lot of their time, and where they have a chance to show Christ’s love. That being said, pray for the mission work that happens in businesses that your friends, family, and congregation are a part of.

That isn’t to say its always appropriate to share with others about your faith at work. Instead, love on others and let your light shine through that.

Students also need a personal faith. Their faith needs to inform and touch every part of their lives, from money to career, to education and politics. Faith can’t be private in a public life. Young adults are already workers, that job is learning.

Fall in love (with Jesus) because it will inspire everything. The gospel has big public implications.