• Uncategorized

    Live Within Your Means

    That’s a challenge, especially with small means, but it’s certainly a form of self-control. Living within your means, means understanding that your income is what you have to live on whether you like it or not. It means understanding that even when you want something, whether it be a dinner out, new furniture, a cool vacation, or a fancier car, if it isn’t in your budget, you can’t afford it. If you only have one couch but you want two, but you haven’t paid for your housing yet this month, you can’t justify it. To some, this may be obvious but it’s sometimes hard to put into practice when friends…

  • Adventures,  Christianity

    A Year with High School Ministries

    Holy moly I just finished up a year volunteering in high school ministries, and goodness did I love it and learn a lot. All the grades of kids who were in senior high this year I had as students in junior high. It was quite an experience seeing kids through these ministries and seeing them grow into young adults. Not only that, but we also had a number of families join the church in the past couple of years, and they’ve students have been great additions to the group. It’s been crazy to put myself back in these students shoes, and deal with very different questions through the years. I’ve…