
Text Me, Message Me, If You Wanna Reach Me

What’s the sich?

Yeah I know…I watched a lot of Kim Possible in the 2000s.

To be honest its my text tone on my phone, when it’s not on silent.

Also there’s other ways to reach me than just texts and messages.

That said, I use multiple platforms for messaging, calling, and video chatting and although I have my personal favorites I understand quite a few, and see the value in them.


Personal –

I really love iMessage and Facetime from Apple, I can send diverse messages, and see the messages come in cleanly on all my platforms. It’s so easy!

I also really like Facebook messenger. Especially since I’m now the only MacOS and iOS user in my family its how I can easily video chat with anyone in my family or create helpful group chats.

Business –

Slack – For larger size teams this tool is stellar, it allows you to track different conversations within one group in a clean way that’s available across platforms.

Zoom is a great video tool, I think the best value this platform has is that you can share links to join calls, and that you can chat on the side and make smaller groups.

Others I know

Instagram chat | Snapchat | Twitter | GroupMe | LinkedIn | Gmail | Hotmail | Mail by Apple | Workplace by Facebook | Google Hangouts | Voxer | Outlook | and more!


Communication is important whether its between friends, family, or a workforce. Find a great platform that works great for you and is as accessible to others as possible.

I think it’s interesting to see how technology has shaped communication and how it will continue to do that. I’m very excited to see how virtual reality systems will shape future communication among other outlets. For right now though I’ll be happy to chat, call and video conference with people,