
On-Site Value Comunication

If you haven’t guessed by the platform this was written on I know

I enjoyed putting my website together, for the most part, I’ll admit it was a bit of a learning experience though, figuring out where all the settings were and what not.

I have created galleries, posted multiple photos, developed my portfolio, added a subscribe button, created a contact form, among other elements.

I’ve even added analytics so I can see what parts of my site get the most hits. is a great software and I’ve learned how to make it work well for my needs and purposes.

Websites can show off so much great work and point people in the right direction so easily. They are an extension of many businesses, and sometimes even the whole business in some cases.

Websites are important, whether you’re a businessperson, a musician, an actor, a chef, a fashion designer, a paleontologist, or you’re in statistical analysis and data reconfiguration, (yes that was a “Friends” reference). Someone from any field would probably benefit from a website in 2019. They display what you should know about that person and what their skills are and the value they bring to their field.