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A Suite Drive

I got a gmail account fall of 2010. I never looked back.

I was working in a group project and they wanted to use what was docs at the time. It was annoying to change my email, but I’m so glad I did.

Since then I’ve started to use the attached calendar, and even upload videos to Google’s affiliate, YouTube.

Google drive is a great tool for me to share any item I need to with anyone and have it safely accessible anywhere.

I’ve used templates, I’ve uploaded images. I’ve created folders, used the account throughout college, and now for keeping track of miscellaneous items that are better stored in the cloud on Google’s server.

I love how visual the interface is. I have learned how to share links, how to designate different permissions for viewing, and even transfer document ownership.

Here’s how I’ve used drive to keep my projects organized and a snapshot of what it looks like in action.

I still certainly make use of my hard drive, but having learned a tool that everyone (Mac and PC) can use is so valuable especially when used with Gmail and the rest of Google.

The internet has great tools, find a way to make them work for you and your circumstance.