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    Two Parts In

    A Review of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers I just watched the second part of this trilogy with students from the youth group I work with. This one was better in my opinion than the first, but also slightly harder to follow, especially since the characters were in different places. I thought the Gollum character was kind of funny and the trees were kind of endearing, except when they both were kind of annoying. Holy moly though, this one seemed scarier and more gruesome. I don’t know how much to say about this, but I definitely looked away at some parts. This one was funnier overall too,…

  • Lifestyle

    The Newer Cook in the Kitchen

    Are you learning to cook more or wanting to? Here are my thoughts as I learn a couple more dishes from my Mom, and experiment a little with food for myself before moving out. I love hotdish (or casserole) and I just made one all myself his evening for dinner for my family. I actually kind of liked making it because it’s one of my favorite kinds of dishes. That said if you’re new to cooking try an approachable dish, preferably a favorite kind of dish. Learn dishes you grew up with, and maybe try a version of your favorite restaurant dish. The other thing to remember is that there…