
Growing Up

I recently remembered that I wrote a parable for an assignment back in elementary school. It was about a girl who wanted to grow up, and whose life couldn’t move fast enough for her at one point, and somehow I remember writing in that the character suddenly found herself growing up too fast. She suddenly realized that everything around her was going faster than she could experience or appreciate it.

As adults we tell children to not grow up too fast, we also tell them to grow up and to learn, and to find their way in the world.

Neither is wrong and although I’m not a parent, I see the value in this parable in my own life today. I remember wanting to grow up at some times in my life, when I was so over school, or when I wanted to just do my own thing. Now some times I feel as if I’m too young or too old for anything. I’ve learned though, that I’m exactly where I need to be. 23. I don’t need to be older right now, and I’ve grown wiser since the last year, but there’s a lot more to learn too!

Don’t wish any amount of time away, and don’t regret the previous time you’ve spent too much. Understand that although life can feel like it moves too fast, take time to learn things, and to grow. I know it sounds cheesy but bear with me; I feel like I’m learning from the parable I wrote back then more now than ever.