Be Inspired

Your Work Probably Won’t Last Forever

Unless you’re a chef you probably haven’t thought about this before, but hear me out when I say that even if your work doesn’t last forever that’s okay and you should still work hard at it.

You see even some of the most impressive work will most likely fall by the wayside. People are already suspecting the fall of Facebook (though I personally think that’s a ways off). There have already been so many innovations/inventions that have been replaced by newer technology. It’s reasonable to think that we are far away yet still from some amazing technology.

This all to say that your ideas or not important ideas. Ideas are what makes the change possible; ideas are what builds different systems innovations and inventions. Why, without the invention of something like the typewriter we may never have had the Qwerty keyboard that goes with the computers we use nearly daily here in 2019 Without the invention of the record we may never have had the CD, or MP3 for that matter. Facebook has paved the way for so much creativity.

So your work probably won’t last forever that’s okay, and that’s probably a good thing. It doesn’t mean that the work will get forgotten still may be, but it means is that your work contributed to society in the present. In all reality it might last forever, but perhaps not in the way you’d suspect, it may last as an inspiration to others and part of new ideas down the road, that it played a critical part in the creation of.