FYI,  Learning,  Philosophy

Talk To Others How You Want to Be Spoken To

You’ve heard treat others how you want to be treated, and that is still as true as ever but today I want to add another layer.

You see more recently I’ve spent a lot of time talking with those much younger and much older than me. I volunteer in youth group with high school and middle schoolers, but I also worked at a school staffed mostly by adults over 30 for a half year, and I enjoy meeting and talking with others from every generation in general. The thing is I kept my speech pretty consistent, I do my best to respect every person I spoke with. I’ll admit my energy and tone may have changed a bit though. Speak to others with respect, and you’re far more likely to recieve it in return.

It doesn’t matter who you’re speaking to, talk to and about others as you would want to be spoken to and about. If you don’t want to be called something mean, or rude, find a different word to describe someone else, whether it’s to their face or not. I don’t like to hear certain language, avoid it in your own speech. Now this isn’t a guarantee, but it is the element you have the ability to control.