Praxis,  Work

The Difference a Day Can Make

During my time as a Praxis participant, I’ve gone through loads of new content, and countless new experiences.

Especially as I think about moving away I believe I’ve been more deliberate than before in my actions, from choosing to try new things, to taking risks and reach out to people I might not have otherwise. I plan to take this habit with me when I move,

Blogging daily has been another notable element of this. I’ve been thinking through unique concepts each day and writing about them. I’ve also been searching for an image each day to match the idea which has led me to look closer at photography.

The difference a day can make is the development of an idea, a new experience, or taking the first step.

The difference a week can make is having a new temp role where I’ve completed a task for a business I hadn’t known existed before, going to volunteer at camp for the best week or my summer, or even living alone for a week for the first time to dog sit at the home of a family friend.

A week is really only a short time as well I’ll admit but each of those, experiences among others, brought meaningful thoughts, uncommon challenges, and a fresh outlook.

Then there’s the difference a month can make. While going through numerous modules each month has been distinct. For the most part, each month brought a different concept, and content, and lessons. I’ll admit some things felt like a repeat or sometimes I wasn’t exactly in the mood to attend group video calls, but nearly everyone one of those experiences has turned into a full page of notes. Sometimes it can feel like a month goes by really fast, but I’ve found that when I’ve been focused on learning valuable things and creating them, each month has made a change for the better in the way I think and act.

As I think back to each month of Praxis so far, I realize I’ve taken a philosophy course, I started a daily blog that’s still going, I’ve even made a YouTube channel video series, among other things

The difference these amounts of times can make is anything from looking at a new topic, to gaining a new perspective, to creating and finishing a unique project.

Going forward I’m going to try even harder to see the value in these moments, and times, and make the most of the time I have.

Psalm 118:24 (ESV) This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

#daybyday #weekbyweek #monthbymonth