The Grad in Praxis

Yes, I graduated Bethel University in 2017, and yes now I’m in Praxis, a program that is mostly for college opt outs. I’m done rationalizing either choice for other people, and apoligizing that I didn’t do things the way they would’ve. I prayed over my decisions, and I trust God.

My high school pushed college, from advanced courses to AP to Early College options, to PSEO options (a program that lets high schoolers attend colleges for free). It was the path that I was expected to take and wanted to take. I’ll be honest, at that point there wasn’t another option for a person like me who was interested in marketing. 

I went to college and loved my private university experience, it was clearly part of the path I am taking in life. I learned a lot, made mistakes, had a blast, studied abroad, and did it all relatively inexpensively (because I didn’t do it the “normal” way). University was at the very least a helpful stepping stone to me. I thoroughly enjoyed being part of the Christian community at Bethel as well. I would recommend Bethel to any person who needs a formal university education (licensing) for their career path (ie. teachers pre-law, pre-med, etc). Not everyone needs or should get a degree, though. 

But now that I’m in Praxis I’m learning a lot more. The program has shown me another side of the world of business, creativity, entrepeneurship, and innovation that I’ve never seen before, and its brought these traits out in me as well. Praxis has shown me what creating value truley looks like and how I can create it. I’ve had valuable advisor conversations and program modules that have taught me more than some whole university classes. I get what Praxis is and does, and I would recommend Praxis to any go-getter, self-starter, and/or mold-breaker. 

I believe I have been and continue to be following God’s path for me, I also believe I’m right where God wants me to be. I’ve also learned that I will never again look down on someone who takes a different career path, as long as they are going at it with their all and not making excuses. Is it slightly odd that I’ve taken both the college, and “non-college” paths? Yup. Is that good. Also, yup. Because I’m #breakingthemold and I would challenge you to do the same.

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