• Uncategorized

    The Hardware Behind the Scenes

    Most everyone nowadays has a small computer. There’s hardly any tube monitors or even towers unless you’re a gamer or developer. But often there is still a lot of hardware to consider in our computer-driven world. In a digital world, the hardware is also important.  Even with my skinny little MacBook Air, I have computer cords, and I like connecting a second screen, which in my case is my TV. I also need my external hard drive and my USB sticks. Beyond that, I have my tablet phone and smartwatch. They all function together but they have very different hardware and casing. Even with my digital music collection, there’s either…

  • Fun

    Musically Speaking

    I’ve always had music to be listening to, whether it was in my movies and tv shows, and my parents CDs when I was little. As I grew up I started buying CDs my friends recommended and a portable CD player to go with it. Come middle school I was just discovering pop music at school dances. Then in college, I started listening to a far more diverse set of tunes such as rock, alternative, and soundtracks, plus big band entered my listening world. So what does this music mean to me? Listen in quick. Growing up kids tunes and contemporary Christian music are at the forefront of my memory with…