I Made the Right Move

Soon I’ll be moving out, but until then, I’ll be living with my parents, as I have all my life. Now before you go and say that I’m ungrateful, or taking advantage of living there, there are a few things you should know about what makes this the best situation for everyone involved, and maybe why should think more about where you live. 

I went to university, but I never actually lived at school. Instead, I saved about $10,000 a year and lived with my parents about 10 minutes away from school (30 minutes my community college year). I lived close enough where I could hang out at school at any time I wanted and only have a fifteen-minute journey home to my own bed, and far cheaper eating options. I could also head home for meals at any time bceause I lived so close. 

In addition, my parents and I have a mutual understanding that school didn’t get either of us in nearly as much debt as it could’ve, and that I live a very frugal lifestyle right now, from getting the most out of everything I buy to avoiding purchases as much as possible. They know that I’m not taking advantage of my situation instead I’m making the most of it, and also saving to be better off in the future!

Now I realize I am somewhat lucky that the university I chose is so close to where my parents live, but universities and colleges are everywhere, including your own computer! 

Would I have loved to have lived on campus during college you ask? Of course! – I’ll admit it, living with friends sounded great as a student. I realized though that decision would not have been responsible on my part. You see, I graduated from community college and after that, I had thought I would have to go to a state school.. I prayed over the situation and God provided enough aid to go to Bethel not to live on campus. That being said it did work out for me to study abroad senior year and I think that was a great solution, after all, I had roomates for a month. 

Now I’m in Praxis and hoping to actually move to another state soon. Maybe if I had known about Praxis sooner I could’ve avoided all of this strife about living at home, and just moved out six months after graduating high school, but clearly that’s not what God’s plan was. 

Good living situations look different for everyone, some people want to live in tiny houses, some want a larger home in the country, some want a downtown apartment, some want a suburban townhome. No matter where you live, make sure you can afford, it and that it makes sense for your situation.

I understand living at home for a while is not for everyone, but please understand the consequences of whatever you choose to do.