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A Different Kind of Seasonal Shopping

I realized late-summer that I needed to invest in quality sandals, good thing too – as prices were just going down.

I’ve known for a while to shop for various items out of season. From picking up new fall boots in November to finding a swimsuit in mid-July. There are somethings you can totally get away with buying at the end of the season.

About a month ago, I found new sandals at REI, I only recently got my membership and realized it could be a good time to pick up their somewhat-overpriced sandals – while they were on clearance. I was right. The trick is to not be bothered when the salesman looks at you like you have 2 heads when you ask to try on sandals at the end of the season. That and to not be bothered by having to go to the back of the store and asked where the clearance rack is.

I understand you can’t always do this – when you need a new jacket you need one when you grow out of last year’s swimsuit you should buy one, but for other things, you can keep an eye out all season for the best deals and then buy when no one else wants to.

So try shopping after a season and have some great finds to look forward to next year.