FYI,  Learning,  Philosophy

Read and Be Okay with Relearning

I got a new temp job this week, and while talking with one of my coworkers, I realized I had mentioned something twice and he replied with something that actually struck me as very valuable, even if it’s sometimes obvious – you should always be ready to relearn good lessons and read more. 

Relearning things can give us a new perspective on what we may already know something about. Relearning something you previously found valuable means your willing to invest more time into improving your knowledge on the subject and I believe that’s wise. Relearning can help us better understand what we thought we may have known.

I think the best example of this is reading the Bible. Growing up I remember hearing so many stories. As I’ve gotten older I’ve had to realize that there’s always more to get from the Bible. I’ve reread the stories and each time I realize something new, if not sometimes something small. 

So if you found value in something once, try revisiting it, either you’ll gain a bigger appreciation for the content, or you’ll be able to move on with other ideas.