• Praxis,  Work

    The Difference a Day Can Make

    During my time as a Praxis participant, I’ve gone through loads of new content, and countless new experiences. Especially as I think about moving away I believe I’ve been more deliberate than before in my actions, from choosing to try new things, to taking risks and reach out to people I might not have otherwise. I plan to take this habit with me when I move, Blogging daily has been another notable element of this. I’ve been thinking through unique concepts each day and writing about them. I’ve also been searching for an image each day to match the idea which has led me to look closer at photography. The…

  • FYI

    The Grad in Praxis

    Yes, I graduated Bethel University in 2017, and yes now I’m in Praxis, a program that is mostly for college opt outs. I’m done rationalizing either choice for other people, and apoligizing that I didn’t do things the way they would’ve. I prayed over my decisions, and I trust God. My high school pushed college, from advanced courses to AP to Early College options, to PSEO options (a program that lets high schoolers attend colleges for free). It was the path that I was expected to take and wanted to take. I’ll be honest, at that point there wasn’t another option for a person like me who was interested in…

  • FYI

    I Made the Right Move

    Soon I’ll be moving out, but until then, I’ll be living with my parents, as I have all my life. Now before you go and say that I’m ungrateful, or taking advantage of living there, there are a few things you should know about what makes this the best situation for everyone involved, and maybe why should think more about where you live.  I went to university, but I never actually lived at school. Instead, I saved about $10,000 a year and lived with my parents about 10 minutes away from school (30 minutes my community college year). I lived close enough where I could hang out at school at…

  • Uncategorized

    A Tall Tale

    Despite the first-glance meaning of the title this is all true. I get questions about my height regularly. Did you play volleyball or basketball in high school? Were you always tall? How tall are you? I’ve learned that you can’t always change your circumstances but you can and should make the best of any situation…and that my parents and others were right about me growing.  I was quite short growing up. I thought I’d never grow. I wasn’t particularly fantastic at owning my height then either. I have tall parents and all my friends were taller than me. I felt childish, especially since I was stuck shopping in the kid’s…

  • FYI

    Practically Best

    Optimism is often underapreciated. I’ve heard a number of people talk about the “practicality” of being a pessimist. They say: “I get to be pleasantly surprised.” I don’t overhype things.” “It makes life easier.” What if I told you that I get to find more joy in life by thinking optimistically. What if I told you that even though I get excited and things don’t pan out the way I expect, I make the most of my situations, using optimism and creativity, and end up better off anyway in some cases. What if I even said, I don’t want “easy” I want what God wants even if its hard. I…

  • Uncategorized


    Birthday/”goals for the year” post. In no particular order:     Move out of my parent’s house Start an apprenticeship Finish an apprenticeship Go to New York Get my own apartment Pay off over half of my student loans Daily time with God Try a new hobby/sport/adventure and stick with it for a month Eat veggies at every lunch and dinner Save for a condo Visit 5 (or more) new states Visit a new country Learn how to cook a new dish at least once a month Read daily Skip TV/videos/movies at least once a week Take a photo every day Go to the gym at least once a week…

  • Adventures

    Let’s Play HOCKEY!

    I never liked hockey as a kid – for a number of reasons, which I will explain. Now though It’s something I love, have fun with and am getting better at in general. Now, later in life hockey has come to be special to me, not beecause I was forced to like it, but because I tried it a few friends also love it, and when I got on the ice, I realized I wanted, and did have fun with it.  Growing up I was on the ice nearly every year, and I could skate by early elementary, on used figure skates, that I wasn’t using correctly because I let my…

  • FYI

    Living Habits

    I’ve lived in the suburbs of the Twin Cities for most of my life.  While I thoroughly enjoy being outdoors, whether it’s camping with friends, or, hiking with family, or playing outdoor sports, or sitting around at a local beach, I really enjoy indoor things as well. From movie nights at home, to shopping days with gal pals, to eating out downtown at a sit-down restaurant with my family.  I think there’s a balance to be found here. I don’t like being put into one category of being a city person or being an outdoorsy person. There’s value to be found in loving the suburbs, city-life, and time outdoors in…

  • Christianity,  FYI

    My Favorite Holiday

    Now I enjoy most holidays, and I have some close seconds, but Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Now I’ll start off with my bias, my birthday is always right around Thanksgiving and sometimes on the holiday. Growing up I got the day off of school, every year until college, but at that point, it was fun because I got to see friends and go to chapel, in fact, my freshman year, the school brought in a comedy troupe that day.  Second, its part of the fall season, and fall is my favorite season. I love the changing colors, the scents, the activities. Its such a beautiful time of the year…

  • Christianity

    The Grace That Brings Good Work

    I taught Sr High Sunday School again this past weekend, and it’s been a good experience both times now. We also had a progressive thanksgiving dinner last night as a group.  My time with sr high lately reminded me of something I’ve been meaning to write about, Christian faith and how it’s balanced with good work. First, please let me make something clear. We (the human race) are saved through grace alone and this is not from ourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast. (paraphrased Ephesians 2:8-9) I feel that this is important for me to bring up, especially since I haven’t…