Staring at my Phone
I saw a brilliant ad on TV the other day. It was for Indeed a job searching site. I’ll just let you watch it here. It challenges the stereotype that just because my generation are on our phones a lot, sometimes we’re searching for things that are genuinely valuable. See I love how this ad takes an assumption and flips it on its head for the better. I’ll admit I’m using technology a lot, while adding that I’m often using it for my job search or to create something, or learn something in general. That said, this isn’t always the case, as you might have guessed. I would argue many…
Thoughts from a Co-Working Trial Experience
Today I am finishing a trial run at a co-working facility in my area. I saw an offer for a free week, and thought it could be good to try out as I may be working remote in the future. It’s more expensive than I thought it would be. I mean it would actually be cheaper for me go out to eat at a coffee shop, and chill there for most of the work day. Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised, because space costs money but, it definitely threw me off, and I’m writing this at one of the cheaper options availible. It’s not perfect, and the vibe isn’t exactly what…
Integrity, Wisdom, and Courage
In the book of Daniel, we meet a man called, well, Daniel. If you grew up in the church you may know many of his stories, especially if you watched VeggieTales; even if you didn’t grow up in the church you may know of them because they are so iconic. I had the privilege of teaching Sunday school again today for Sr High Ministries. In a nutshell here’s some of the stories. First you have Daniel and his friends eating a healthy diet over the king’s. Then you get the story of Daniel interpreting dreams. Followed by the story of how his friends survived a fiery furnace. Then the story…
Do You Want to Go to Chapel?
Today I was looking through my documents and I found the parody of “Do you want to build a snowman? That I had written in my first year of college, shortly after the movie Frozen came out. I had started saying just the title phrase to my friends, and somebody suggested writing the full thing out so I did. It’s not perfect, but it is funny. Here it is, enjoy. Chorus 1 Do you want to go to chapel Come on let’s go and sing We never go anymore let’s go some more it’s like you want to stay away We used to all go and now we don’t i…
Energy Doesn’t Always Look the Same
I have a look of energy, but more recently my family more aware of how I can use it and how it truly affects me. You see it isn’t just about me going to play sports, or going to swing dances. It’s also about how my brain goes a million miles an hour with different thoughts. That is, there is more to energy than the physical portion it’s also somewhat mental. Energy can be as simple as talking really fast or trying to think through too much at once. Energy for me often often looks fast in general. Energy isn’t refreshed for everyone the same way either, take the simple…
Here’s the Thing
Here’s the thing I’m not the norm I’m not just another person I’m not trying to be the norm either Here’s the thing Sometimes I am Sometimes I get judgmental Sometimes I fall into habits that I myself hate Here’s the thing Being cheesy can be fun, but sincerity is more important Questioning things can be good, but you have to be careful Making mistakes can be good, but you need to learn to correct them Here’s the thing You have to make effort to try to do things right You have to be ready to treat others as you would like to be treated You sometimes have to prepare…
Do More Than the Minimum
Recently I’ve been working on a project, and I’ve taken it to the nth degree. No I’m not a try hard, though I may be somewhat of aa perfectionist. You see, when working on something you want to do well at, you should want to do more than the minimum. It’s hard, but man it can feel good to get so much done.
You Probably Have What Someone Else Wants
Even if you are lacking something you want. I have a friend who has her own home with her husband, and a job. But when I expressed how lucky I thought she was, she then told me how dissapppointed she was to live far away from her family, and how she left a job she loved to move to where her husband had a great job. I, on the other hand live with my folks, and in the same city as most of my family and friends. I live with my parents, and I’m still job searching. I also acknowledge that I don’t have to worry too much at this…
I can see the value of Netflix, or Amazon or the like. I also know how helpful things like Adobe products are. Then there’s subscription boxes. By careful with how many monthly costs you incure, and be even more aware of what it costs over time. People so often talk about the daily money choices like coffee and eating out that I don’t think they’re as a aware of how monthly stuff affects your budget. That being said if you really do find great value in the $10 or so you spend on Netflix per month. Go for it, but also be aware of the opportunity cost of time. That…
Use Your Resources
Whether its the free apps on the internet, a book at the library, your car, a YouTube Video, the space in your home, a trusted friend, mentor, or family member, or something else. There are so many resources that so many of us have that we don’t make full use of. I know not everyone has all of these, but think of the ones you have that are listed here and aren’t and see how you could bless others, and help yourself out as well. Can you drive a friend who lives a block away from you to the gym in the evening where you both work out? Did you…