
Energy Doesn’t Always Look the Same

I have a look of energy, but more recently my family more aware of how I can use it and how it truly affects me.

You see it isn’t just about me going to play sports, or going to swing dances. It’s also about how my brain goes a million miles an hour with different thoughts.

That is, there is more to energy than the physical portion it’s also somewhat mental. Energy can be as simple as talking really fast or trying to think through too much at once. Energy for me often often looks fast in general.

Energy isn’t refreshed for everyone the same way either, take the simple example of introverts vs extroverts, or go a little deeper and consider that some people need more sleep than others, and there are numerous types of diets that boast how they can “improve your energy”. I know I get energy from being around others and being social, I also know I get too much energy from almost any amount of caffeine. That is not a brag either, I like coffee and people give me grief about it, but I like literally shake when I have a full cup of caffeinated coffee, so its definitely only a treat, and for times when I need what I can only describe as superhuman power, good grief. Otherwise I can usually find the energy I need for myself.

If you need more energy in your life I would challenge you to find joy in more moments, whether alone or while being social, get off coffee, and caffieine as much as you can and then try it after a break, and see how it affects you, that or diet changes, or sleep schedule changes. A lot goes into determining how much energy you have everyday, and I would assume genetics may be a part of it, so sorry about that.

How do you spend energy? @katherineglader