Take Every Thought Captive

    Write things down, start a journal, tell Siri to make a note, make a video with the ideas you have, take a screenshot, or type out thoughts in the notes app on your phone, you could even tell Google to remind you when you wake up…and then write it down. Do whatever you need to do to make sure you don’t lose ideas! To be honest I’ve done all of the above at one point. Even if you look back on these privately captured ideas, and not all of them are great it shouldn’t keep you from writing everything down. If you take every idea captive you can get a…

  • Swing Dance

    Extra! Extra! Dance Is What It’s All About

    Today I got the chance to be an extra on a movie set that was filming in my area. It was just an event one of my friends found on Facebook. I don’t know much about the film except they wanted 1940s swing dancing in the film – my specialty. The film is set in the 1940s at a dance hall so the filmmakers made an event on Facebook calling for extras that would are dancers. I only had a partial day of work so I decided why not show up? It’s nothing particularly fancy from what I can tell but it’s still going to be a great film, plus…