
Integrity, Wisdom, and Courage

In the book of Daniel, we meet a man called, well, Daniel. If you grew up in the church you may know many of his stories, especially if you watched VeggieTales; even if you didn’t grow up in the church you may know of them because they are so iconic.

I had the privilege of teaching Sunday school again today for Sr High Ministries.

In a nutshell here’s some of the stories.

First you have Daniel and his friends eating a healthy diet over the king’s.

Then you get the story of Daniel interpreting dreams.

Followed by the story of how his friends survived a fiery furnace.

Then the story of the writing on the wall.

Then the story of Daniel in the lion’s den.

What’s so fascinating is how God was with Daniel every step of the way, and even though Daniel didn’t know what would come from his decision to follow God’s rules, God did and kept him safe throughout. In addition, God gave Daniel, and his friends the courage, and wisdom to remain true to their integrity.

We may not get to read accounts of Jesus’ life as a teenager, but as I told the students, these stories provide a guide to how we should live our lives at any age.