
My Top 3 Skills

I’ve been challenged to write about my top three skills, from what I’ve seen in myself, and what I’ve heard from those closest to me, these are the words I came to.


Everyone I’ve met would tell you that the first thing they notice about me is my energy. I have a lot of it. I am fortunate that I can get a lot done when I put my mind to something.

Because of this energy, I am able to encourage others and work on a lot at once. I love running around and helping a lot of people. This helped me a lot while working at Target. I worked on the sales floor so I’d have to book it from location to location to put items away and answer guest requests, I’d also end up making my way to the front to cashier multiple times a shift. By putting my energy into this role I got a lot done, and kept those around and myself, upbeat throughout my shifts.

My energy has also helped me travel, I would go the extra mile as often as possible. I would try to do as much as I could in a day.

The other notable thing that I’ve been able to do because of my energy levels is dance. Namely, swing dance, I love dancing for hours on end, because it’s such a fun experience. I’ve also loved playing tennis and lacrosse over the years and even doing some theatre in the past because it’s a  good use for this gift.


I enjoy brainstorming with small teams to pull ideas together and make something that the whole group can be proud of, from jobs to class work to youth ministry and beyond. I also enjoy being creative on my own and coming up with new ideas, perspectives, and ways to tackle an issue or present an idea.

Throughout my experiences, I’ve had to come up with different ways to market different things. I have been developed short video scripts. I have been part of the rebranding, a real organization. I have created original posters and design concepts for various businesses as well.

Though my most memorable experience was working with my boss at my internship in college to come up with a promotional video, we came up with an idea from scratch, wrote the script, and even acted in it together.

I should note though that my creativity goes unanticipated directions as well. From dancing to organizing to improving my presence in front of a camera.


I am ready to take on new challenges and adventures in stride. I have been in roles where I did not end up doing what I originally planned on doing, even in those times, I have had the chance to learn instead and develop new skills, and systems. Being bold has led me to take on experiences that I would not of otherwise.

Through a church connection, I found my internship in college and decided to spend my summer at a camp I didn’t know anyone at in a brand new role; I couldn’t be happier that I did it though. I went to an interview for the position with my boss-to-be and less than a week later I had a meeting with him and then drove myself to a camp where I was completely new and taking on a position that hadn’t existed before.

In addition, in high school, I didn’t dream of studying abroad, I was way to scared, but then during my junior year of college I realized I wanted to travel and it was the best time to start, I loved that experience as well, and it certainly stretched me. While abroad I even went on a half day adventure all by myself, because I knew I would see more and would get to choose what I saw.

I also became a junior high youth group volunteer straight out of high school, and I’ve been part of the ministry ever since, this challenged me because I was the youngest leader in the group when I started, and I shared the biggest group of kids in the small group I helped lead. I also loved the challenge of being the only female leader on a couple of trips, this was fun, and I appreciated the influence I got to have on each group of students.

Being bold to me means willing to stand out from the crowd in opinion, ideas, goals, and being willing to take on whatever life throws at me.

Sometimes I admit I have a hard time getting out of my comfort zone if someone hasn’t gone before me in a similar fashion, I’m working on that.