
  • Uncategorized,  Work

    A Suite Drive

    I got a gmail account fall of 2010. I never looked back. I was working in a group project and they wanted to use what was docs at the time. It was annoying to change my email, but I’m so glad I did. Since then I’ve started to use the attached calendar, and even upload videos to Google’s affiliate, YouTube. Google drive is a great tool for me to share any item I need to with anyone and have it safely accessible anywhere. I’ve used templates, I’ve uploaded images. I’ve created folders, used the account throughout college, and now for keeping track of miscellaneous items that are better stored in…

  • Learning,  Work

    Adobe Photo Suite 101

    As I apply for jobs I’m trying to learn more skills that will be helpful. One of those included trying adobe software. So today I’m going to explain how I’ve used the photo editing apps. Lightroom It’s like the Instagram app, but with far more options. I then realized presets were an important element and found some on the internet. Although they may be important and helpful for learning they aren’t an all in one solution. Playing with the features is a key to starting out on this one, seeing what you like and how you can achieve the desired styling. Here are images I changed the lighting on. I…

  • Work

    Taste Test Proctor

    Today my temp job was what I can best describe as proctoring a taste test, that is I handed out food to test participants, while keeping an eye out for anything that could’ve gone wrong. And even though I can’t give more details than that, a takeaway thought I had was how interesting product development in for any given company and what all might go into a product that appears on the shelf. We had tons of participants, and thinking about what developement has gone into the product and what may end up on the shlef was interesting to think about. You never know what a company might have in…

  • Praxis,  Work

    The Difference a Day Can Make

    During my time as a Praxis participant, I’ve gone through loads of new content, and countless new experiences. Especially as I think about moving away I believe I’ve been more deliberate than before in my actions, from choosing to try new things, to taking risks and reach out to people I might not have otherwise. I plan to take this habit with me when I move, Blogging daily has been another notable element of this. I’ve been thinking through unique concepts each day and writing about them. I’ve also been searching for an image each day to match the idea which has led me to look closer at photography. The…

  • Design,  Work

    A Brand’s Experience

    I’ve seen ad’s for goods and services all my life, but something I find fascinating is how a brand can create and advertise an experience, even if that’s not what they’re selling. Prime examples include: Coca-Cola, Abercrombie & Fitch. These brands sell their product somewhat based on what consumers see people in ads doing when engaging with it. It’s arguably genius and good marketing, but I enjoy looking at brands, and their branding from unique angles. Now don’t get me wrong, experiences are what the majority of brands are about. But what’s interesting to see is how they often inflate their image. Yes, Coca-Cola tastes great to some people, but buying a…

  • Learning,  Praxis,  Work

    Why Good Salesmen are Not the Enemy

    Ever since seeing people selling things at my door and my parent’s getting  telemarketing calls on the land line ,and believe it or not, taking a sales class in college, I’ve had a sour taste in my mouth for sales, and although I don’t think I want it to be my job -because I love marketing- I think I now see the value in it, especially in business. Last night’s Praxis Wednesday was all about sales and we were joined by Jack Sayler he talked about the art and science behind the sales industry.  We were encouraged to think about solutions ourselves before going to managers, this helps you be…

  • Praxis,  Uncategorized,  Work

    Always Think Professionally

    I just finished the second portion of The War of Art Book. This section was all about Combating Resistance – Turning Pro. Turning pro is about commitment, its about having the drive to do something all the time and put your all into it. Professionals focus. Professionals don’t talk about their work, they quiet down and do it. They find their concentration, buckle down, to beat resistance, and create new things. Whether that’s a painting, a program, a plate of food, or a campaign. They do their work out of love. The professional also has to practice patience. They have to understand that timing is everything, and sometimes even if…

  • Uncategorized,  Work

    Thoughts from a Temp Worker

    Currently, as I work through Praxis I’m doing temp work for a temp agency. Because I can get decent money, turn down jobs if I’m just to busy, and experience lots of diverse workplaces. I love meeting new and interesting people at each job, and I’ve been thoroughly surprised by who I’ve run into and met. I’ve been fortunate to work with great people for a vast majority of the jobs. At some jobs, with permission, I’ve even been able to do school work during downtime. I’ve also had the chance to see some of the inner workings behind some interesting companies. Plus I’m thankful that I haven’t had to…