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Thoughts from a Temp Worker

Currently, as I work through Praxis I’m doing temp work for a temp agency. Because I can get decent money, turn down jobs if I’m just to busy, and experience lots of diverse workplaces.

I love meeting new and interesting people at each job, and I’ve been thoroughly surprised by who I’ve run into and met. I’ve been fortunate to work with great people for a vast majority of the jobs. At some jobs, with permission, I’ve even been able to do school work during downtime. I’ve also had the chance to see some of the inner workings behind some interesting companies. Plus I’m thankful that I haven’t had to work a retail job…with retail hours, instead, I’ve worked mostly 8 am – 4 pm jobs.

The most unanticipated perk has been seeing my own city in a new way. Especially working downtown, I’ve gotten the chance to explore Minneapolis via the skyways in winter and walk the sidewalks in the warmer months while on my lunch breaks. I’ve also learned more about the brands that call the Twin Cities home, some that I didn’t even know were located here.

At times I’ve been a little saddened by leaving a great company after a short time working for them, but I believe I’ve always left them happy with what I was able to accomplish for them. Plus when I haven’t enjoyed the work I know the end is in sight, and that can be helpful for getting through a tough day.

There is a not-so-fun side to it too that I have to admit to. At times I’ve had to take jobs where I’m moving the stock in a warehouse, or mindlessly counting materials. Standing in one spot for 8 hours is not fun, or particularly comfortable, for me. Though even these jobs have helped give me a better perspective on the business world, and certainly the world of marketing as well.

I’m happy for the chances I’ve had to temp, it has kept me from falling behind on student loans and helped me pay for my car. Plus I know that I won’t be doing temp jobs forever. I’ll be excited to move on to an apprenticeship come December!