• Uncategorized,  Work

    Thoughts from a Temp Worker

    Currently, as I work through Praxis I’m doing temp work for a temp agency. Because I can get decent money, turn down jobs if I’m just to busy, and experience lots of diverse workplaces. I love meeting new and interesting people at each job, and I’ve been thoroughly surprised by who I’ve run into and met. I’ve been fortunate to work with great people for a vast majority of the jobs. At some jobs, with permission, I’ve even been able to do school work during downtime. I’ve also had the chance to see some of the inner workings behind some interesting companies. Plus I’m thankful that I haven’t had to…

  • Praxis

    Writing for an Audience – Praxis Wednesday Response

    Last night on August 1st the Praxis Wednesday guest was Jason Feifer. He spoke on writing techniques, especially creative writing and article writing. The question of who I’m writing for has always been a challenge for me, especially while I was in school because when asked this the answer seemed to always be: the teacher, or the other student who I had to ask to edit it, and that never gave much direction. I’ve slowly learned that even if I don’t know who will find a piece of writing I’ve written and read it, I need to plan for a certain kind of reader with every piece of writing I do.…