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    All Squared Away

    I tried a new form of dancing this past weekend: square dancing! I went to “barn dance” with some friends from church, and within a few minutes of arriving we overheard that it would be primarily square dancing, I was a bit daunted by this new style, and admittedly waiting for a swing dance portion to the evening, but the square dancing turned out to be super fun! To be honest, I hadn’t known what square dancing really involved before, that or I didn’t remember if I had learned it previously learned in middle school or something. I had never realized what it took to square dance: eight people who…

  • Finances,  Learning,  Work

    Week Nine at a Start-Up

    “We’re like Uber for business to business deliveries.” This is one of the first things I mention on the phone, and often when people hear this they’re intrigued – as I was when I first heard about Dispatch. I really like working at Dispatch, the people are great, the culture is great, the product is great! So here are my thoughts from the first nine weeks. This is a non-exhaustive list mind you. Things I learned How to use Hubspot CRM How to use Zoominfo How to continue improving on my phone communication skills How to schedule out a normal work day Things I did for fun Went to the…

  • Adventures,  Be Inspired,  Learning,  Lifestyle,  Philosophy,  Praxis,  Swing Dance

    It Was Objectively Interesting

    It’s been 4 weeks since my adventure at The Objective Standard Conference (TOS_Con) in Park City, Utah, but I just realized I hadn’t written a blog post about it yet. I t was such a great adventure, and although, smaller, longer, and different from FEE-Con it was also very valuable. I learned a lot. I also had a ton of fun, that said FEECon was a better conference, it helped that there were more young people there. TOS-Con had some amazing and unique sessions. Some were more interesting to me than others, and some I admittedly didn’t enjoy but there were others I was ecstatic about. I used to hate…

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    A Whole Year

    365 I have officially blogged every day for 365 days, or a normal year today. I have written that many days worth of content, I have also learned over 365 new things. As I look back on a year of blog posts I can’t neglect to remember what started this journey, even before the first day of daily posts came: I became a Praxian. I joined a unique educational organization in an effort to set myself apart from the crowd. I joined an organization that was built for mold breakers and then I shattered any mold that could’ve put me in. I shattered my own mold, I wasn’t just a…

  • Uncategorized,  Work

    When Marketing Takes an Unexpected Turn

    I’ve been prospecting on Yelp this week, I know it sounds random, but I can see tons of related business, they’re ratings and links to their websites. What I also see is advertisements for other related/local companies. I click those. Those people clearly want the business that the one whose page I currently on would otherwise get. Especially if I can connect to both business, we could also help both remain competitive. But instead I’m going to call them for a sales call in hopes to help them be even more competitive against their competition by using my company’s product.  So marketers, watch for who might see your ad. It…

  • Finances,  Uncategorized

    The Business of Business

    I watched a YouTube video today that was all about franchises, I also subscribe to Entrepreneur Magazine. It’s interesting to read the quick numbers of how much money a franchise owner spends to open their chosen establishment. Obviously, some are cheaper than others. It’s still an investment though, and I think it’s important to realize from an employee perspective. Even a humble Subway costs about an average of $200,000 but that number comes from a 10 second Google search so don’t hold me to that. What I’m getting at is that a lot goes into theses places, whether they always look like it or not. A lot of time, money,…

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    The Laborer’s Wage

    This was the parable covered in today’s sermon. It’s about the fairness of the Laborers pay, in addition to the famous quote Jesus said, “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.” It was interesting to hear a new perspective on these verses, specifically this last verse in the story. Sometimes on a purely logical level at least this quote doesn’t make sense. I mean how could the first person in a line suddenly become the last, and why would that happen (to put it in the terms that came to mind for me). The pastor this morning talked about how at its core the quote…

  • Uncategorized,  Work


    What makes an idea remarkable? That’s the question posed by Seth Godin in his book Purple Cow. He starts by saying that a purple cow would be remarkable! He’s right, no one has ever seen a purple cow before, and you wouldn’t even have to use much marketing on it because it would market itself to a large extent. He argues that marketing is more than just about considering the normal “P”s of marketing, that is, pricing, promotion, placement, publicity, among others, it’s about the new “P” – Purple Cow. Godin, also uses real-life examples of remarkable ideas in his book. Allow me to explain a few. Take the Case…

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    Making Plans in 2019

    It can be tricky. At the same time though, it’s easier. There are so many tools for planning events, and there are more ways to communicate than ever. So why is it so hard? Well in many cases no one had to commit until the last possible moment. There are so many things going on in the world that more people know about than ever, leading to a lot of FOMO (fear of missing out). I can sometimes be guilty of this. I try to make plans ahead of time, but it can be hard. Trying to line up schedules and decide on an activity, food, and transportation that everyone…

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    Do You Spur On Joy In Others?

    I saw a website recently of a fellow believer, at least that’s what it said they were. The problem I saw was that their site didn’t leave me with any joy, it didn’t leave me inspired. Now not everything is meant to be joyful, sometimes peoples writing, and ideas should come behind us and support us with empathy. The problem was that this person’s website left me with nothing truly helpful (in my opinion), outside of some grammar guidance tips in a blog post. One of the goals I have in my blog is to share the lessons, and experiences I’ve had in hopes that what I’ve learned will help…