Hello, My Name Is ___
Names are powerful. ‘To any person, their name is the most beautiful world in the English language.’ (paraphrased, Dale Carnegie). I try my best to learn and use people’s names as I hear and read them. I’ll admit that names also make it way easier to connect with people. If you know their name people are more likely to turn to you, it’s just human nature. You’ll draw more people in if you mention them by name. Don’t believe me, think about how frustrating it is to hear your name pronounced wrong or see it spelled wrong, or have someone not remember your name that you thought you knew! It’s…
Thanks A Lot
I’ve been told many times before how important thank yous are, from personalized notes to a simple verbal exchange. Thank yous cost nearly nothing but leave a positive impression. Call it Minnesota nice, but I’ve tried to be thankful to others wherever I go. Giving a thank you in really any form is always appreciated. I’ll add that sometimes you can make a thank you work for you. That is, you can use it as a way to introduce yourself and maybe add a handshake if appropriate to leave a lasting, more physical impression with the person you’re thanking. I think it also has a psychological effect in that thanking…
Planes, Buses, and Automobiles
As I’ve mentioned before, I usually drive everywhere. I have my own car, so it just makes sense. But in California travel has looked much different. I’ve been in an Uber for the first time, I’ve taken a bus in LA, I’ve taken an airport shuttle, and I’ve walked numerous miles. It’s nothing Earth-shattering, but its weird to me. It’s been interesting navigating different parts of L.A. with the transportation I’ve had a hand in the moment. I’m so thankful for the chance to drive. I know I just wrote about planes, but my consistent conversation with others has been my missing my car, but being appreciative for local public…
Just Imagine
I’ve talked a lot about creativity here on my blog. From what it can look like, to its value and what-not, but I think a good imagination plays a part in creativity. As I sit here in California, I realize just how important imagination is. It has created so many wonderful movies, shows, and entertainment options, buildings. So many people have to have such diverse and thoughtful imaginations to make the work from Hollywood – and Burbank – happen. Imagination is something every kid is encouraged to have, but I think adults need to make it part of their lives as well. It’s not just about thinking up stories or…
Another Flight
So far I’ve taken four plane trips in my life, that fourth one being this morning and returning to Minneapolis in about a week. Today I have my first day of visiting a friend, touring the city, and seeing the ocean (finally!) in Los Angeles, California. That all being said flying in a wonderful freedom. I still remember each flight I’ve had so far quick distinctly. The first was to Disneyworld in Florida in 2005 my parents waited until we were old enough to go on all the cool rides and not just the kiddy ones, but booked the trip before I would’ve needed an adult ticket. It was a…
Final Thoughts
What a whirlwind year, from spending the first part of the year at a contract role to joining Praxis, and taking trips for weddings, going to camp, enjoying holidays with family, and spending time with friends, to even being a political delegate. The new year is just that but January 1st is also just another day. What I mean by that is that it doesn’t have to be a threshold for everything from certain choices, to decisions, to changing habits, though I’ll admit sometimes it is helpful. I try to see it as both, it’s a helpful mental guide but it’s also just a day on the calendar, to some respect.…
Left Out
Unless you’re ridiculously popular we’ve all been left out of something, whether intentionally or unintentionally. It’s hard. If you want to be a part of something and didn’t even get the chance to be. Social media makes this harder, I would argue. We are able to see every update that anyone we follow posts, whether it’s their lunch, homework, or a fabulous party, or a group of friends they had over for game night. I can’t imagine having social media any earlier in life. I would’ve been so frustrated with every other kid’s fun posts that I didn’t get to be a part of. Though honestly, it can be hard…
Adopt Don’t Shop
My family has had a cat, five hamsters, a fish, a dog, and now, drumroll please: two guinea pigs. We’ve enjoyed having pets, and although we bought the hamsters and fish at a pet store, we’re definitely of the adopt don’t shop mindset. Our cat, Tiger, was a stray we adopted. While having a family garage sale, he was meandering around the neighborhood. It was raining and we left a little makeshift bed out in the garage. We took him in and enjoyed having him as a pet, he definitely was fun to have around, and we enjoyed having him as part of our family. We had him until we…
While at the Plumbing Company
My current temp job is working at a plumbing, heating, metals, and fire sprinklers company west of Minneapolis. Although it’s not my ideal workplace/industry it’s been quite fun getting to know my coworkers and getting a sneak peek into the industry. Its been nice to have a consistent temp job until I take on my apprenticeship. They have a beautiful showroom that guests are coming into everyday, as well. It’s interesting to see another aspect of an industry that I only know of from trips to Home Depot with my folks. It gets me even more excited to think about my future home, and the furnishings.
Unlikely Inspiration
Sometimes we can convince ourselves that we need the perfect setting for inspiration to hit. Whether we think we need a perfect library with a nice sitting area, or an art museum with beautiful old paintings. Don’t get me wrong, these are great spots for inspiration but they’re far from the only spot to get inspired. Just the other day I was inspired by one of my coworkers at my temp job with something to write about, I’ve also been inspired by my students at youth group. Not to mention the inspiration I’ve received from friends at swing dances. It’s been more than the blog too. This last month I’ve…