Be Inspired

Go Long

I was practicing hockey at the local rink in the park yesterday. Right, when I was about to quit, I realized I needed to keep going – I hadn’t exhausted myself to the extent I had anticipated yet.

I realized I need to push myself more. I needed to go in with all I had so I started shooting my puck across the entire rink – trying to catch it, working on my speed, aiming better with my net shots, and working on my turns on the ice. I needed to get in some challenging practice, not just being okay with where my skills were at.

This applies to so much more than hockey and sports though, obviously, Do your best and push yourself, give, 110%…maybe even 150%. Get a decent night’s sleep and get stuff done. The idea is to stretch yourself beyond what you can currently do, its one way you can work to improve yourself.

Go the distance.