Be Inspired

Love On Others

I decided to drive over to my alma mater today, they were hosting a fun speaker in chapel, and I have the day off, so I figured why not?

Who was the speaker you ask? Bob Goff.

He has more energy than me I think (!). He talked about just loving on people, not their actions per se, but as he put it: “the person under the hat”. He talked about how even the hat he was wearing was about loving on someone he cared about.

He spoke on loving those who are different than you. He then brought up his wife and mentioned that she is very introverted, he supports that while being his own energetic extroverted self and they’ve been married for decades now.

Love on people by helping in little ways and big ways love on people when it’s hard, love on them when it’s easy, love on them when they’re happy, love on them when they’re sad.

Also make people laugh, everyone likes to laugh, so why not bring joy and love through humor.

As Cosmo Brown once put it: