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    I have updated technology… for the most part, I don’t have the latest phone, but I have one that does what I need it to do. I don’t have the latest computer, I have one that does what I need it to do. I updated my car (I had to buy a different vehicle because my first car went kaput) to what I could afford while also keeping in mind that I wanted to have a relatively reliable car. When I buy an apartment, I plan to find a balance between space, amenities, and price. Some people update their devices every year, whether they need it or not, whether the…

  • FYI


    Sometimes we get so stuck in weird, annoying, or downright bad habits, that they can sometimes come to seem normal. What we have to realize is that often their not, that although the path is sometimes frustrating or even painful, change is necessary. Habits are hard to change and I’m trying to give more people grace with them, while also guiding them, and myself to change for the good. I heard a good example recently. Say you’re a right-handed person – it’s what seems right to you, imagine someone asking you to suddenly switch to the left hand. To some people that’s how changing habits, even for the good, can…

  • Be Inspired

    Go Long

    I was practicing hockey at the local rink in the park yesterday. Right, when I was about to quit, I realized I needed to keep going – I hadn’t exhausted myself to the extent I had anticipated yet. I realized I need to push myself more. I needed to go in with all I had so I started shooting my puck across the entire rink – trying to catch it, working on my speed, aiming better with my net shots, and working on my turns on the ice. I needed to get in some challenging practice, not just being okay with where my skills were at. This applies to so…

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    My Dad approached me this morning and asked about how I was doing, he said I always seemed busy. In the moment it couldn’t’ve felt further from the truth. I’m not where I thought I’d be right now, but because I consistently do work for my Praxis program, swing dance, and volunteer at youth group among other things, my family sees business. I want to be busier. Kinda. I want to be doing everything I can. I want to be working out to become healthier, I want to be hanging out with those I care about more, creating more, learning more, and exploring the world. I wish I didn’t like…

  • FYI

    Above Reproach

    Always be above reproach. I always want to be concerned of how I come across to others with my actions, and words. I was once told at camp about how you should be careful about the company you hang out with. This is deeper than just “hanging out with the wrong crowd“it’s about ensuring that you remain respectable through your actions, and words. It’s about being above doubt and question, by making good decisions. It’s truly important. This is hard especially when its not at front of mind, but if you can stay above reproach you will probably be more honest and trustworthy, and that is a wonderful thing.

  • Be Inspired

    For the Better

    Use your life experiences to better yourself, good or bad. I was bullied as a kid, but it inspired me to volunteer in youth group, and move beyond that unkindness. When I couldn’t go to camp one year, I decided I was going to move beyond it and work at another camp, and volunteer, so more kids could come, or at least hear about camp. These were hard experiences, and I’m sure I’m not the only person who has had them, but I wanted to note that I allowed these experiences to make me better. I’ll admit I’ve struggled to forgive and forget what happened in my past, and Show…

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    The Up and Coming Business Count

    As I page through my Entrepreneur magazine I’m reminded of how many new businesses are starting up all the time. I’m also reminded of a point in Niche Down that notes that we are at one of the lowest levels of entrepreneurship in American history. What a contrast to what I had thought! Prior to reading these resources, I was under the impression that everybody and their brother was trying to start a company. I thought it wouldn’t work because so many new businesses were starting up and how could they all have new ideas, but that’s just not the case! There are so many people and so many great ideas,…

  • FYI

    The Best Car Investment I Make

    It was an interesting morning here in snowy Minnesota, you see my car stalled, so I had to call the tow truck, but it doesn’t bother me because I have 24/7 roadside assistance available on my insurance plan. I can’t think of anyone who owns a personal vehicle that I wouldn’t recommend this to (unless you own a towing company). It has saved me so much money even though I pay a monthly fee, plus I never have to rethink about whether or not I should call the insurance company or not. Especially as a person who is going to be moving away from home soon, having this kind of…

  • Learning,  Praxis

    The World is Moving Faster Than Ever Before

    I like moving fast, and talking fast, and thinking fast, I have a lot energy and it fits my personality. Patience is hard for me but as I’m still here in Minnesota patiently anticipating which job God will put me in. Praxis has been ahead of the education curve, helping kids avoid debts, and degrees they don’t really need. The world is all of a sudden turning away from degrees, and I’ve witnessed it, and been a part of it, I’m excited to see where education will move next. My family jokes about going to the “University of YouTube” to learn something, plus there are tons of sites with paid…

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    Marketing to make Him famous

    Marketers do what they do to make products, services and people famous. I should know, I’m one of them. Oh my goodness though does this ever have to be a balance though. I want to do a great job wherever I work, and I think the balance can be most easily found in praising God through doing a good job at what we do here on Earth. If I can make a brand famous, I’ll be doing a good job for my boss, and using the gifts and talents God has given me. This is true for any job, but marketing is special in that your goal is to make…