
Proving Something Right by Trying to Prove it Wrong

Ever questioned something and not known how to prove any view to be correct? This is how I came to find truth in Christianity but I’ve since realized that it can apply to many areas of life. For instance, in a job, you might feel there’s a better way to do something, but thinking through the process of what makes a system work could reveal why it’s been used, or perhaps why it shouldn’t be used after all.

I’ve realized before that sometimes I need to go about figuring out why other people think I’m wrong about something, and often it leads me to have an even firmer, though more informed belief in what I had known before, and a better understanding of why others have differing ideas. Although this concept is a bit hard to explain I believe it encourages exploration of thoughts and ideas, and it better ensures finding the truth, which is most important in the end.

Trying to prove something right can make it feel like there’s more than one truth to an idea, even when that’s not the case. This is where the concept can get a little dicey and can bring questions even when it’s not appropriate. But as long as people are aware of what they’re searching for and how it affects their thinking they’ll be better off.

Trying to prove that something is not the best method or the truth doesn’t mean we don’t want it to be that, we just want to ensure that there’s proof behind what we believe.

Real life example: Back in high school I was trying to figure out if Christian was the truth or not, I wanted with every part of me for it to be the truth but I had to figure out if it was wishful thinking or not, I thought about what other faith systems believed, and was left feeling more lost than before. My youth pastor then suggested that I go about trying to prove Christianity wrong, or other religions if I had to. I did my research and came back around to whole-hearted belief in my Christian faith.

Disclaimer: This isn’t to say that I don’t respect those of other faiths its to simply explain how I have come to mine, while understanding that the process can be applied to other areas of life. Go forth and learn!