• FYI,  Learning,  Philosophy

    Talk To Others How You Want to Be Spoken To

    You’ve heard treat others how you want to be treated, and that is still as true as ever but today I want to add another layer. You see more recently I’ve spent a lot of time talking with those much younger and much older than me. I volunteer in youth group with high school and middle schoolers, but I also worked at a school staffed mostly by adults over 30 for a half year, and I enjoy meeting and talking with others from every generation in general. The thing is I kept my speech pretty consistent, I do my best to respect every person I spoke with. I’ll admit my…

  • FYI,  Lifestyle,  Uncategorized

    Eat for the Job You Want

    You’ve probably heard it said that you should dress for the job you want, but I would argue that how you eat plays into whether you can accomplish this. A nutritionist should be more acutely aware than anyone of what they’re eating and how it affects them, but an athlete has to eat far more calories than someone who mostly sits at a desk. A chef is more likely to try more unique foods than someone with various allergies. You may want to try other foods if you’re a travel blogger, or want to be one. An athlete has to eat far more calories, and then work out to burn…

  • Be Inspired

    The Benefit of Surprises

    I know I talked about planned gifts back before Christmas, and sometimes how giving what someone expects can be helpful, but now I want to acknowledge the joy of surprises, for gifts and beyond. As far as other surprises go it can be fun to find them, from a new place to see, to a surprise dinner with friends, to a surprise birthday party. I think a surprise can be fun. I think the biggest benefit of surprises is the added joy. Because not only is there something cool happening, but you didn’t even know it would be happening. So go surprise someone you care about, whether it’s with a…

  • Adventures,  Uncategorized

    One for the Books

    As I sit here in the LAX airport waiting for my flight I find myself thinking about everything that has happened on this trip, the new sites I’ve seen, the new people I’ve met, the ways I’ve challenged myself, I want to share some favorite moments and thoughts. I have been able to see things that I’ve been waiting for, like the ocean, which was fun, even if it was too cold to swim. Perhaps one of my favorite parts of the trip was visiting the Warner Brothers Studio, I had a great tour and learned a lot, and saw even more, from costumes from some of my favorite movies.…

  • Uncategorized

    The Story of a Store

    During my last full day in L.A. I got the chance to wander around the city again. This time I got to go with one of my friends. I was really excited to have one more excursion. It was fun to head out without a real goal in mind, but being open to discovering a new place. While walking around I found a bookstore. What I shortly realized was that the bookstore was one that I had seen featured on travel websites and Instagram. It was so fun to go through a unique store and see what I had only seen in Instagram pictures. There was also some small boutiques…

  • Uncategorized

    Missionary Anywhere

    Often when people think of church missions work, they seem to be thinking of going abroad, to a new country or starting a new organization. While that all can be fine and dandy, it’s not the whole story. Being a Christian is about going into all the world from small villages, and remote cultures to your office, to the retail job you might work on the side, or really anywhere. People everywhere need God’s love. You don’t always have to a have a plan either, and even if you do, God may change it. Sometimes literally telling people that you’re a Christian and you want to share with them, may…

  • FYI,  Learning,  Philosophy

    Hello, My Name Is ___

    Names are powerful. ‘To any person, their name is the most beautiful world in the English language.’ (paraphrased, Dale Carnegie). I try my best to learn and use people’s names as I hear and read them. I’ll admit that names also make it way easier to connect with people. If you know their name people are more likely to turn to you, it’s just human nature. You’ll draw more people in if you mention them by name. Don’t believe me, think about how frustrating it is to hear your name pronounced wrong or see it spelled wrong, or have someone not remember your name that you thought you knew! It’s…

  • Uncategorized

    Thanks A Lot

    I’ve been told many times before how important thank yous are, from personalized notes to a simple verbal exchange. Thank yous cost nearly nothing but leave a positive impression. Call it Minnesota nice, but I’ve tried to be thankful to others wherever I go. Giving a thank you in really any form is always appreciated. I’ll add that sometimes you can make a thank you work for you. That is, you can use it as a way to introduce yourself and maybe add a handshake if appropriate to leave a lasting, more physical impression with the person you’re thanking. I think it also has a psychological effect in that thanking…

  • Uncategorized

    Planes, Buses, and Automobiles

    As I’ve mentioned before, I usually drive everywhere. I have my own car, so it just makes sense. But in California travel has looked much different. I’ve been in an Uber for the first time, I’ve taken a bus in LA, I’ve taken an airport shuttle, and I’ve walked numerous miles. It’s nothing Earth-shattering, but its weird to me. It’s been interesting navigating different parts of L.A. with the transportation I’ve had a hand in the moment. I’m so thankful for the chance to drive. I know I just wrote about planes, but my consistent conversation with others has been my missing my car, but being appreciative for local public…

  • Be Inspired,  Creativity

    Just Imagine

    I’ve talked a lot about creativity here on my blog. From what it can look like, to its value and what-not, but I think a good imagination plays a part in creativity. As I sit here in California, I realize just how important imagination is. It has created so many wonderful movies, shows, and entertainment options, buildings. So many people have to have such diverse and thoughtful imaginations to make the work from Hollywood – and Burbank – happen. Imagination is something every kid is encouraged to have, but I think adults need to make it part of their lives as well. It’s not just about thinking up stories or…