• Design,  Work

    A Brand’s Experience

    I’ve seen ad’s for goods and services all my life, but something I find fascinating is how a brand can create and advertise an experience, even if that’s not what they’re selling. Prime examples include: Coca-Cola, Abercrombie & Fitch. These brands sell their product somewhat based on what consumers see people in ads doing when engaging with it. It’s arguably genius and good marketing, but I enjoy looking at brands, and their branding from unique angles. Now don’t get me wrong, experiences are what the majority of brands are about. But what’s interesting to see is how they often inflate their image. Yes, Coca-Cola tastes great to some people, but buying a…

  • Christianity,  Philosophy,  Politics

    Truth Matters

    Tact usually does too. Facts don’t care about feelings. These are important things to remember when we’re searching answers or information in general. There’s also an interesting balance here when it comes to actually communicating things. I wish I could actually just be armed with facts, but then I’m reminded that how I come across matters to how the truth is received in most cases.  The phrase facts don’t care about feelings comes from a political commentator I enjoy listening to. It’s meant to communicate that we shouldn’t based our opinions off of feeling but instead off of facts, because without the acknowledgement of truths there is no basis for ideas to stand on.  …

  • FYI,  Learning,  Talent

    Prove It

    I have a advisor that I learn a lot from, and often in unexpected ways. So I thought I’d just throw out a couple of their ideas here, paraphrased to make sense out of context.  Talk, speak and get the part.  Swift marketing thinking needs to translate to every part of your life, show your personality in every field you walk into. ‘You’re out there’ doesn’t mean you’re showing off, it shows that you’re doing work. Learn about each other’s strengths, and learn from those profiles. Go [through a fair and helpful] vetting process with who approaches you, for any reason.  Remember your “haters” are your motivators. But not all your…

  • Creativity

    New Ideas Aren’t Always Glamorous

    I was just thinking yesterday afternoon about the ideas I’ve had, or what I’ve thought about, and it made me realize that any of us are probably far more creative than we think it’s just in ways we don’t expect.  Ya see, I just had the idea to add a post it to my desk at work, it wasn’t earth shattering but the reminder helps me perform better at work. I solved a simple problem in my room by getting creative about where I stored extra pens, again not earth shattering but more of my stuff has a better place now.  So whenever you think you’re not creative look at…

  • FYI,  Learning

    The “Not-Teacher” Who Taught

    At one point during my elementary school years, I wanted to be a teacher, that idea soon fell away. It gave way to marketing, and even doctor for a really short time.  Come high school and college I told everybody I never wanted to teach. Now the tricky part was differentiating myself from those who though I was going to be a teacher, probably mostly because that’s what my sister’s going to school for. So I calmly would tell them: “No, no, no, that’s my sister, I could  never be a teacher.” Usually that was the last of it and I had convinced myself.  Fast forward and I’ve helped in…

  • Learning,  Praxis

    Have a Conversation – with the Hiring Manager

    Last night was Praxis Wednesday, and it was a interview seminar with Johnny Roccia. Johnny is a hiring manager who helps us Praxians learn about how best to interview.  He’s so down to earth while providing practical advice as well.  The main takeaway I had from last night’s conversation was to have a conversation with the interviewer. The more you can show personality and “vibe” with them the better off you are. After all, they want to hire someone, they just need to know if you’re that person or not.   You can add on to your conversation stand out questions, as well as  personal questions for the interviewer.  Something that…

  • Philosophy

    Don’t Be Jealous of Good Influence, Be Inspired By It

    I’ve had times in my life where I see others who I want to have a good influence on are more inspired by others. It’s been hard for me to see that in the past, but last night I realized that it can really onl help me in addition to those the good influences.  There’s a big caveat to this concept though, the influence needs to be good, when I see mediocre celebrities or terrible news stations, I get frustrated by the influence they have, this is the kind of influence that I wish I could replace. It’s hard to see people get obsessed and to look up to “influencers”…

  • Adventures,  Fun,  FYI,  Uncategorized

    A Tale of Two Cars

    I’ve been driving cars since shortly after I got my permit at age 15. I bought my first car from my parents at age 18. I bought my second car about a year ago now when I was 21. Cars have always been my primary mode of transportation between errands with my mom, trips to my grandparents, and family road trips. So, find joy in the journey down the road.  My first car was actually my parents’ car first. It was a 1998 Saturn SL1. They bought it used from a Saturn dealer when I was about 9 or 10. We took trips to grandparents but its notable adventures were…

  • Christianity,  FYI

    Coffee Drinker*

    *Coffee is a wonderful drink best served with friends or to try a new flavor, not as much (in my case) for the energy it may bring. It also shouldn’t be an addiction.  I enjoy coffee quite a bit, but I’ll be the first to admit I have quite a bit of energy already on the regular. Sometimes decaf is a solution but often times it’s not as good of a flavor, isn’t available, or a drink can’t be made with that kind of coffee. Coffee is more of an experience to me, not that it’s about how fancy the brew, its more about enjoying it with friends, family, or…