• FYI

    Staring at my Phone

    I saw a brilliant ad on TV the other day. It was for Indeed a job searching site. I’ll just let you watch it here. It challenges the stereotype that just because my generation are on our phones a lot, sometimes we’re searching for things that are genuinely valuable. See I love how this ad takes an assumption and flips it on its head for the better. I’ll admit I’m using technology a lot, while adding that I’m often using it for my job search or to create something, or learn something in general. That said, this isn’t always the case, as you might have guessed. I would argue many…

  • FYI

    You Probably Have What Someone Else Wants

    Even if you are lacking something you want. I have a friend who has her own home with her husband, and a job. But when I expressed how lucky I thought she was, she then told me how dissapppointed she was to live far away from her family, and how she left a job she loved to move to where her husband had a great job. I, on the other hand live with my folks, and in the same city as most of my family and friends. I live with my parents, and I’m still job searching. I also acknowledge that I don’t have to worry too much at this…

  • FYI


    I can see the value of Netflix, or Amazon or the like. I also know how helpful things like Adobe products are. Then there’s subscription boxes. By careful with how many monthly costs you incure, and be even more aware of what it costs over time. People so often talk about the daily money choices like coffee and eating out that I don’t think they’re as a aware of how monthly stuff affects your budget. That being said if you really do find great value in the $10 or so you spend on Netflix per month. Go for it, but also be aware of the opportunity cost of time. That…

  • FYI

    Take Every Thought Captive

    Write things down, start a journal, tell Siri to make a note, make a video with the ideas you have, take a screenshot, or type out thoughts in the notes app on your phone, you could even tell Google to remind you when you wake up…and then write it down. Do whatever you need to do to make sure you don’t lose ideas! To be honest I’ve done all of the above at one point. Even if you look back on these privately captured ideas, and not all of them are great it shouldn’t keep you from writing everything down. If you take every idea captive you can get a…

  • FYI,  Uncategorized

    The Case and Critique for Roundabouts

    I’m traveling this week and I’ve found myself in an area with more round-abouts then I’m used to, but I’m not driving so I’m okay with it for the most part. In Minnesota we don’t have many, and because they’re few and far between for the most part we’re not used to them. These kind of road designs are conflicting just because you may have to wait a while to get into a one-lane one, or they’re multi lane and seem ridiculously dangerous. As I was riding through one with my friend today, she expressed her frustration, and said she gets confused with them, and while we were on the…

  • FYI


    Sometimes we get so stuck in weird, annoying, or downright bad habits, that they can sometimes come to seem normal. What we have to realize is that often their not, that although the path is sometimes frustrating or even painful, change is necessary. Habits are hard to change and I’m trying to give more people grace with them, while also guiding them, and myself to change for the good. I heard a good example recently. Say you’re a right-handed person – it’s what seems right to you, imagine someone asking you to suddenly switch to the left hand. To some people that’s how changing habits, even for the good, can…

  • FYI

    Above Reproach

    Always be above reproach. I always want to be concerned of how I come across to others with my actions, and words. I was once told at camp about how you should be careful about the company you hang out with. This is deeper than just “hanging out with the wrong crowd“it’s about ensuring that you remain respectable through your actions, and words. It’s about being above doubt and question, by making good decisions. It’s truly important. This is hard especially when its not at front of mind, but if you can stay above reproach you will probably be more honest and trustworthy, and that is a wonderful thing.

  • FYI

    The Best Car Investment I Make

    It was an interesting morning here in snowy Minnesota, you see my car stalled, so I had to call the tow truck, but it doesn’t bother me because I have 24/7 roadside assistance available on my insurance plan. I can’t think of anyone who owns a personal vehicle that I wouldn’t recommend this to (unless you own a towing company). It has saved me so much money even though I pay a monthly fee, plus I never have to rethink about whether or not I should call the insurance company or not. Especially as a person who is going to be moving away from home soon, having this kind of…

  • FYI,  Philosophy

    Everyone is Weird Until You Get to Know Them

    You’ve heard the phrase: “Everyone is normal until you get to know them” Well even though it’s somewhat true, I’d like to turn this phrase on its head quick. I’ve met diverse groups of people throughout my life. Many people have surprised me on just how much they are like everyone else. This isn’t to say they aren’t weird exactly, or that they don’t have their own personality, or they’re not unique in their own right. What I mean here is that I met individuals in my life that I thought were somehow more impressive, or “special”, or “different” in some way. People are just that, people. We’re all created…

  • FYI,  Uncategorized

    Why Not You?

    I saw this question come up on the internet a while back and it got me thinking. You see it challenges you to think not only, why would something bad not happen to you, but also why would something good not happen? Okay its kind of hard to put into words, but stay with me. You see “why not you?” argues that they’re isn’t a good reason why the best or the worst can happen to you (outside of God’s will in your life). It argues that if you put in the work you have the potential to make great things happen, but if you trust God he can do…