Fun,  FYI

Style Counts

I admittedly have a lot of clothes and shoes. I had my biggest growth spurt sophomore year of high school, so I haven’t grown out of much since. I believe that if you see value in a piece and the potential of wearing it, and that you have reason to believe you’ll actually wear it you can keep it, but there are exceptions.

I have a lot of shoes, and I keep them nice, but I like getting new styles, so I don’t see a reason to get rid of them unless I don’t want to wear them anymore. That being said I have a shoe for every Minnesota season, and nearly every Halloween costume or dress-up event, and sometimes because I keep shoes I’ve gotten more use out of pairs by holding on to them, I end up less wasteful too! This applies to a lot of my wardrobe but the shoes are what I think of first.

I have a lot of pretty much every kind of piece. I have been fortunate to be raised to be relatively frugal so I always try to the best price possible, therefore I’ve been able to buy more volume in some cases. I’m fading out this habit for higher quality pieces at this piece though, as I am able. 

I will add to this a sort of thank you because a lot of the clothes I have are hand-me-downs, that is they’ve been given to me by people who have gotten what they want out of the item or it doesn’t fit them anymore. A lot of these items are good quality too so I see a lot of value in them.

So if you like to shop and wear diverse styles go for it! I don’t think that’s wrong. As for the title not only have I found myself trying to literally count items in my closet, but also style tends to be important when you’re trying to make a good impression, and show your personality, class, and style aesthetic. So find your personal style and think about how you present yourself and how you can make use of the wardrobe you have. Don’t strive to look like a mannequin from any certain store either.