Be Inspired

  • Be Inspired

    Here’s the Thing

    Here’s the thing I’m not the norm I’m not just another person I’m not trying to be the norm either Here’s the thing Sometimes I am Sometimes I get judgmental Sometimes I fall into habits that I myself hate Here’s the thing Being cheesy can be fun, but sincerity is more important Questioning things can be good, but you have to be careful Making mistakes can be good, but you need to learn to correct them Here’s the thing You have to make effort to try to do things right You have to be ready to treat others as you would like to be treated You sometimes have to prepare…

  • Be Inspired

    Love On Others

    I decided to drive over to my alma mater today, they were hosting a fun speaker in chapel, and I have the day off, so I figured why not? Who was the speaker you ask? Bob Goff. He has more energy than me I think (!). He talked about just loving on people, not their actions per se, but as he put it: “the person under the hat”. He talked about how even the hat he was wearing was about loving on someone he cared about. He spoke on loving those who are different than you. He then brought up his wife and mentioned that she is very introverted, he…

  • Be Inspired

    Your Life is Different From Everyone Elses

    Even if you want the same results as someone else, your path probably looks different, and may take a different amount or time, that or may not even be meant to be for you. Everyone who gets a job gets it at a different time, everyone who gets married has gotten married at a different time, everyone who is a born again Christian gets saved at a different time. This is good, sometimes it’s not fun, but its good. You’ve probably heard it before but life would be boring if everyone was the same. If you think you’re waiting longer than everyone else for things, realize that something may come…

  • Be Inspired

    When You Want to Avoid the Tough Moments

    I was watching a YouTube video from one of my favorite commentators recently. The last thing he said in the video was “Just because at some point it may hurt, it doesn’t mean that it’s not a gift, and you don’t have the right to throw it all away.” (Steven Crowder) We all go through tough moments, but we have to remember the good things as well. He was mainly talking about his dog’s cancer diagnosis. To a certain extent, I knew where he was coming from because I lost my dog, Jack, to cancer back in college. Many of us have pets, and even though it can be hard…

  • Be Inspired

    Go Long

    I was practicing hockey at the local rink in the park yesterday. Right, when I was about to quit, I realized I needed to keep going – I hadn’t exhausted myself to the extent I had anticipated yet. I realized I need to push myself more. I needed to go in with all I had so I started shooting my puck across the entire rink – trying to catch it, working on my speed, aiming better with my net shots, and working on my turns on the ice. I needed to get in some challenging practice, not just being okay with where my skills were at. This applies to so…

  • Be Inspired

    For the Better

    Use your life experiences to better yourself, good or bad. I was bullied as a kid, but it inspired me to volunteer in youth group, and move beyond that unkindness. When I couldn’t go to camp one year, I decided I was going to move beyond it and work at another camp, and volunteer, so more kids could come, or at least hear about camp. These were hard experiences, and I’m sure I’m not the only person who has had them, but I wanted to note that I allowed these experiences to make me better. I’ll admit I’ve struggled to forgive and forget what happened in my past, and Show…

  • Be Inspired,  Christianity,  Philosophy

    A Physicist and An Athlete

    I watched The Theory of Everything last night with a friend of mine, it was available on Netflix, and looked interesting. Stephen Hawking was a very good physicist, but the movie left me feeling uninspired, but reminded me of someone who leaves me feeling inspired. If you’ve been reading my blog for a long time, you would’ve read about my grandparents, who are all amazing people. My Grandpa Glader has been confined to a wheelchair for about 10 years, but the number of people he has inspired through his life, and his continual trust of God even while sitting in a wheelchair is amazing and inspiring. You see, we may…

  • Be Inspired,  Fun,  Learning

    Energy and Me

    Anyone who knows me knows I have tons of energy its part of the inspiration for a lot of what I do, from swing dancing to travel, to youth group and other things. What I’ve realized lately is that not only is my energy about being physically active it’s about my thoughts and just how quick and busy my brain is. This isn’t meant to be a humble brag, it’s about understanding that I sometimes get overwhelmed by what’s going on in my head and how much I can have going on at a given moment. I love spending my energy, by trying new things, and thinking out loud and…

  • Be Inspired

    Your Work Probably Won’t Last Forever

    Unless you’re a chef you probably haven’t thought about this before, but hear me out when I say that even if your work doesn’t last forever that’s okay and you should still work hard at it. You see even some of the most impressive work will most likely fall by the wayside. People are already suspecting the fall of Facebook (though I personally think that’s a ways off). There have already been so many innovations/inventions that have been replaced by newer technology. It’s reasonable to think that we are far away yet still from some amazing technology. This all to say that your ideas or not important ideas. Ideas are…

  • Be Inspired

    The Benefit of Surprises

    I know I talked about planned gifts back before Christmas, and sometimes how giving what someone expects can be helpful, but now I want to acknowledge the joy of surprises, for gifts and beyond. As far as other surprises go it can be fun to find them, from a new place to see, to a surprise dinner with friends, to a surprise birthday party. I think a surprise can be fun. I think the biggest benefit of surprises is the added joy. Because not only is there something cool happening, but you didn’t even know it would be happening. So go surprise someone you care about, whether it’s with a…