• Be Inspired

    Here’s the Thing

    Here’s the thing I’m not the norm I’m not just another person I’m not trying to be the norm either Here’s the thing Sometimes I am Sometimes I get judgmental Sometimes I fall into habits that I myself hate Here’s the thing Being cheesy can be fun, but sincerity is more important Questioning things can be good, but you have to be careful Making mistakes can be good, but you need to learn to correct them Here’s the thing You have to make effort to try to do things right You have to be ready to treat others as you would like to be treated You sometimes have to prepare…

  • Creativity

    Do More Than the Minimum

    Recently I’ve been working on a project, and I’ve taken it to the nth degree. No I’m not a try hard, though I may be somewhat of aa perfectionist. You see, when working on something you want to do well at, you should want to do more than the minimum. It’s hard, but man it can feel good to get so much done.

  • FYI

    You Probably Have What Someone Else Wants

    Even if you are lacking something you want. I have a friend who has her own home with her husband, and a job. But when I expressed how lucky I thought she was, she then told me how dissapppointed she was to live far away from her family, and how she left a job she loved to move to where her husband had a great job. I, on the other hand live with my folks, and in the same city as most of my family and friends. I live with my parents, and I’m still job searching. I also acknowledge that I don’t have to worry too much at this…

  • FYI


    I can see the value of Netflix, or Amazon or the like. I also know how helpful things like Adobe products are. Then there’s subscription boxes. By careful with how many monthly costs you incure, and be even more aware of what it costs over time. People so often talk about the daily money choices like coffee and eating out that I don’t think they’re as a aware of how monthly stuff affects your budget. That being said if you really do find great value in the $10 or so you spend on Netflix per month. Go for it, but also be aware of the opportunity cost of time. That…

  • Uncategorized

    Use Your Resources

    Whether its the free apps on the internet, a book at the library, your car, a YouTube Video, the space in your home, a trusted friend, mentor, or family member, or something else. There are so many resources that so many of us have that we don’t make full use of. I know not everyone has all of these, but think of the ones you have that are listed here and aren’t and see how you could bless others, and help yourself out as well. Can you drive a friend who lives a block away from you to the gym in the evening where you both work out? Did you…

  • Family,  Uncategorized

    Cousin Times

    I love hanging out with my cousins, and I’m so grateful to have them all in my life! From family dinners to pool parties to game nights, and seeing some at school growing up, they’re practically like siblings at this point. I know i’m very fortunate that I’m mostly in the middle of the age range. I even have one on both sides that were each born the same year as me. Take yesterday, I got to drive over to my cousin’s dorm and pick him up for dinner at Chipotle! He’d barely been there before but enjoyed his order and we got to talk about summer and what we…

  • Uncategorized

    Learn From Inspiration & Maybe A Podcast

    While being discerning. I’ve tried listening to a number of different podcasts in the car this week. I don’t hate them, it has to be consistently good to keep my attention, but I have learned a number of things, and been inspired overall. I usually enjoy music more on car trips but I had a couple of longer trips this week and it was nice to sit through a full podcast. I don’t know how often I’ll go back to listening to podcasts but it’s potentially a good resource in general. I don’t think podcasts are something I could listen to while I work or anything though just because you…

  • Uncategorized

    Act Like a Local and a Tourist

    I’m still visiting Nebraska today, and I’ve been hanging out in town, seeing things like a huge Scheel’s and a classic suburban mall, and and independent book seller. I also stuck my head in the Nebraska History Museum, not a whole lot there to be honest but I actually also had a lovely conversation with the front desk people there. I do this back in Minnesota as well. It’s my way of trying to get the best of both worlds and trying to see what the best is an area has to offer. It’s why I look at things like libraries and ask what kind of grocery stores there are,…

  • Uncategorized

    Four States

    Three months Two phones. One me. That’s what my life has been lately. It’s been an adventure I never could’ve expected but it’s definitely been a challenge. I love travel but I also realize how much of a process it is, from the driving to the waiting for planes, to paying more for everything when you travel. As I arrive in Lincoln, NE for my latest visit here’s some takeaways concerning my thoughts on how to best plan for a roadtrip. Since I’ve already talked about plane trips specifically. Pack food. Easy stuff, like chips, fruit, veggies, fill in the gaps with entrees at cheaper places. Fill up the gas…

  • Fun,  Praxis

    A Praxis Mascot?

    At every educational institution I’ve been a part of there’s been a mascot, whether it’s been a knight, a hawk, or something else… with one excdeption, Praxis. Now whether it seems necessary or not I want to propose a Praxis mascot. Introducing Plato the Praxis Poodle. Why a poodle you ask? Just look at how the American Kennel Club describes these dogs: “Forget those old stereotypes of Poodles as sissy dogs. Poodles are eager, athletic, and wickedly smart “real dogs” of remarkable versatility. The Standard, with his greater size and strength, is the best all-around athlete of the family, but all Poodles can be trained with great success.” Sounds kind…