• FYI,  Uncategorized

    The Case and Critique for Roundabouts

    I’m traveling this week and I’ve found myself in an area with more round-abouts then I’m used to, but I’m not driving so I’m okay with it for the most part. In Minnesota we don’t have many, and because they’re few and far between for the most part we’re not used to them. These kind of road designs are conflicting just because you may have to wait a while to get into a one-lane one, or they’re multi lane and seem ridiculously dangerous. As I was riding through one with my friend today, she expressed her frustration, and said she gets confused with them, and while we were on the…

  • Lifestyle

    Growing Up

    …is weird. All the sudden I’ve found myself an adult and all my friends are starting their careers. Many of my teacher friends have their own classrooms instead of sitting in them with me as a student. My nursing friends are working in hospitals. Don’t get me wrong I’m quite proud of my friends, they’ve worked hard, as have I but suddenly things seem different, not a bad different really either, just different. Add on this the fact that the kids I worked with in junior high are now in high school. And I’m still working with them, it’s crazy to think they’ll be in college soon. As my friend’s…

  • Be Inspired

    When You Want to Avoid the Tough Moments

    I was watching a YouTube video from one of my favorite commentators recently. The last thing he said in the video was “Just because at some point it may hurt, it doesn’t mean that it’s not a gift, and you don’t have the right to throw it all away.” (Steven Crowder) We all go through tough moments, but we have to remember the good things as well. He was mainly talking about his dog’s cancer diagnosis. To a certain extent, I knew where he was coming from because I lost my dog, Jack, to cancer back in college. Many of us have pets, and even though it can be hard…

  • Swing Dance

    Swing Style

    So on this blog, I’ve already talked about how I got into swing dancing, and where to find dances, now I want to show you an idea of what to wear, so you’ll have even more tools for when you get to go. For Ladies: I wear skirts, and dresses 90% of the time I go swing dancing, I think it’s more fun, and usually more practical. Though sometimes it gets a little cold, especially on route to an event. I usually go with a more fitted top, with short or long sleeves and a crew or collared neckline. The shirt shown here is from Target. Keep jewelery minimal especially…

  • Uncategorized


    I have updated technology… for the most part, I don’t have the latest phone, but I have one that does what I need it to do. I don’t have the latest computer, I have one that does what I need it to do. I updated my car (I had to buy a different vehicle because my first car went kaput) to what I could afford while also keeping in mind that I wanted to have a relatively reliable car. When I buy an apartment, I plan to find a balance between space, amenities, and price. Some people update their devices every year, whether they need it or not, whether the…

  • FYI


    Sometimes we get so stuck in weird, annoying, or downright bad habits, that they can sometimes come to seem normal. What we have to realize is that often their not, that although the path is sometimes frustrating or even painful, change is necessary. Habits are hard to change and I’m trying to give more people grace with them, while also guiding them, and myself to change for the good. I heard a good example recently. Say you’re a right-handed person – it’s what seems right to you, imagine someone asking you to suddenly switch to the left hand. To some people that’s how changing habits, even for the good, can…

  • Be Inspired

    Go Long

    I was practicing hockey at the local rink in the park yesterday. Right, when I was about to quit, I realized I needed to keep going – I hadn’t exhausted myself to the extent I had anticipated yet. I realized I need to push myself more. I needed to go in with all I had so I started shooting my puck across the entire rink – trying to catch it, working on my speed, aiming better with my net shots, and working on my turns on the ice. I needed to get in some challenging practice, not just being okay with where my skills were at. This applies to so…

  • Uncategorized


    My Dad approached me this morning and asked about how I was doing, he said I always seemed busy. In the moment it couldn’t’ve felt further from the truth. I’m not where I thought I’d be right now, but because I consistently do work for my Praxis program, swing dance, and volunteer at youth group among other things, my family sees business. I want to be busier. Kinda. I want to be doing everything I can. I want to be working out to become healthier, I want to be hanging out with those I care about more, creating more, learning more, and exploring the world. I wish I didn’t like…

  • FYI

    Above Reproach

    Always be above reproach. I always want to be concerned of how I come across to others with my actions, and words. I was once told at camp about how you should be careful about the company you hang out with. This is deeper than just “hanging out with the wrong crowd“it’s about ensuring that you remain respectable through your actions, and words. It’s about being above doubt and question, by making good decisions. It’s truly important. This is hard especially when its not at front of mind, but if you can stay above reproach you will probably be more honest and trustworthy, and that is a wonderful thing.

  • Be Inspired

    For the Better

    Use your life experiences to better yourself, good or bad. I was bullied as a kid, but it inspired me to volunteer in youth group, and move beyond that unkindness. When I couldn’t go to camp one year, I decided I was going to move beyond it and work at another camp, and volunteer, so more kids could come, or at least hear about camp. These were hard experiences, and I’m sure I’m not the only person who has had them, but I wanted to note that I allowed these experiences to make me better. I’ll admit I’ve struggled to forgive and forget what happened in my past, and Show…