
Talent and Opportunity

I’ve always wondered what i could be good at that I haven’t tried yet.

Am I a great surfer, that hasn’t taken the time or had the chance to try? Someday we’ll see. Is the kid who lives on the beach and struggles to swim actually a terrific artist, and/or hockey player? Is the adult who has lived in the city their whole life actually a stellar equestrian? Who knows, and maybe there’s evidence against my theory, but what if.

Ideally everyone would have the chance to try new things, but this just isn’t how it is. Nor am I suggesting that it should be required that everyone gets a chance at everything, because that just doesn’t work. What I am suggesting is that even if you haven’t found your forte yet, it might just be because you haven’t tried it yet. Maybe its something that scared you at first. Maybe you have yet to meet a friend that will introduce you to the opportunity. Maybe you need to save up some cash to try something out of the ordinary even.

I think back to when I was little and thought I didn’t have creative talent. My sister could draw on paper, and create beautiful paintings, I couldn’t. What I didn’t know was that I would be good at a different kind of creativity later on in life, but 11 year old me didn’t own a computer yet, nor had the knowledge to pursue creativity on a computer interface, nor did she have the chance to brainstorm beautiful arrangements for her living space, or outfits with her personal style…yet. There’s other examples too, like how I was scared of traveling away from my parents even in middle school, and this year I’ve had the privilegde to take 2 solo plane trips. Praise the Lord!

Work hard to give yourself more opportunities. Don’t blame others for their opportunities, instead make them for yourself, just think of what you could discover! Learn new things, they just might put you on the path discovering talents you didn’t know existed yet.