
  • Christianity

    A Faith for All Contexts

    Inform your faith for all contexts. No matter where you’re working (or volunteering) right now. We pray for missionaries and their work in other countries, but we remember to pray for our close Christ-following friend’s workplaces, this where they spend a lot of their time, and where they have a chance to show Christ’s love. That being said, pray for the mission work that happens in businesses that your friends, family, and congregation are a part of. That isn’t to say its always appropriate to share with others about your faith at work. Instead, love on others and let your light shine through that. Students also need a personal faith.…

  • Christianity

    Jesus is the Fulfillment

    He can, and will fill our cup with living water, He can, and will, fulfill every need, we only need to trust in Him. Jesus fulfilled every prophecy made about Him. He will fulfill every promise he’s made to us about the future. That includes the hard stuff, everyone will be judged by the Holy and perfect God, but Christians will meet Him in the clouds, and be with him forever (1 Thessalonians 4:17). Jesus has been the perfect example of fulfillment already and continues to be. Fulfillment should also mean something to us on a personal level, whether or not you’re a Christian, you should want to fulfill your…

  • Be Inspired,  Christianity,  Creativity,  Uncategorized

    High Heels Are Like…

    Some are classier than others some are taller than others, but even since getting taller I realized I kind of enjoy wearing high heels sometimes. I like dressing up for certain events and church, and its a fun way to literally and figuratively elevate a look. Today I realized how high heels relate to a Christian faith. Hear me out. The heels I own I’d like to think are pretty but after a few hours, they do tend to hurt my feet. I like how I can see more because they make me taller than others, but sometimes I let that get to my head, and I tend to be…

  • Be Inspired,  Christianity,  Fun,  Uncategorized

    Living with Razor Sharp Convictions

    What a great weekend its been at District Blitz! From helpful seminars and rallies to great moments with students and leaders alike. This weekend and the students have taught me things. Leadership should be a life of good examples not just telling people what is good and bad. It should be about not only correcting mistakes when they happen but also avoiding them by the way you lead. I went to a great seminar about convictions and I loved that the speaker talked about how important it is to stand by your Bible based/fact based convictions, but how to approach others with them as well. You shouldn’t hurt people with…

  • Christianity

    It’s Gonna Cost You

    At church on Sunday the pastor spoke on how we often “sell” the perks of Christianity while sometimes skimming over the cost. We have to ensure that we tell people that trusting in Christ is hard, that it’s not the easiest path, and that we may lose out on things because of our decision to follow Christ from friends, to pleasure, to opportunity, by trusting Christ we put that all in God’s hands. We have to be Christ followers not fans, that is we have to be all in for Christ, as Christians.

  • Christianity,  Uncategorized

    Sunday School

    I grew up going to Sunday school at church, literally from birth. I still go but now my class is full of adults. I still love it though, small group lessons, with people that I can fellowship with after class and then head to the service hour with. What’s unfortunate is that I don’t think many churches do this anymore. Between researching other churches and attending them sporadically to see what they’re all about I found in interesting to see that although there are churches with great services, and well run small group ministries, there’s not as much adult fellowship on Sundays in some cases because there’s not really any…

  • Christianity,  Learning

    Two Layers of Trust

    I want to trust God in everything, I really do, I want to leave everything up to him but recently I found myself telling my Mom: “I am okay with doing whatever God wants me to do, but if he could just tell me what it will be that would be great.” When I said this I realized how much trust I have yet to give to God. I’m so ready to do what he wants but I’m still very much working on trusting him with the unknowns This really goes back to my impatience as well. It’s hard for me to just be waiting to see which way God…

  • Adventures,  Christianity

    Consume Responsibly

    I’m on a church retreat with the high school youth group I volunteer with as a leader, we’re staying at a camp in the middle of Minnesota, we call the retreat Snow Camp and our theme this year is “consume responsibly”. It’s based on a candy land theme, where we’re talking about how we can be responsible Christians. Friday night a student spoke about responsibility in relationships and how we as Christian’s need to build each other up in our relationships. On Saturday another spoke, about our responsibility to tell the truth, he spoke about good examples, and how truth affects our lives. For Snow Camp we have teams every…

  • Be Inspired,  Christianity,  Philosophy

    A Physicist and An Athlete

    I watched The Theory of Everything last night with a friend of mine, it was available on Netflix, and looked interesting. Stephen Hawking was a very good physicist, but the movie left me feeling uninspired, but reminded me of someone who leaves me feeling inspired. If you’ve been reading my blog for a long time, you would’ve read about my grandparents, who are all amazing people. My Grandpa Glader has been confined to a wheelchair for about 10 years, but the number of people he has inspired through his life, and his continual trust of God even while sitting in a wheelchair is amazing and inspiring. You see, we may…

  • Christianity

    This Little Light of Mine

    If you grew up going to Sunday school you know the song: “I’m going to let it shine.” As Christians are lives are supposed to lead others to Christ. It sounds obvious, but it’s so much more than just telling people you’re a Christian. It’s about the conviction and love you have in Christ. It’s about him being the most important thing in your life. That’s hard! There are so many wonderful things that God created, and gifts He has blessed us with that it can be hard to draw the line between worshipping Him and just appreciating His work…and just worshipping the work. I think part of what’s glorifying…